This report was submitted by AD Ari
Internet Office News
This week I was able to get 75-80% of The Holonet Journals finished as a rough draft. The release date will be either next Friday or next Sunday (depending on how tired I am on Friday from my brother's wedding). I am still waiting for some material from Matir, who has not contacted me in a while regarding the status of his submissions. The only section which is incomplete is the "Ask the IO" section which I will have to write up myself, otherwise, I'm just waiting for others' submissions.
As THJ nears completion, I have begun a new IO Project suggested by PRF Ares, who apparently was working on the same thing with AbsoluteK: an EH banner exchange. Conceptual details are still being planned, however, even though it was originally intended for subgroups, it may be opened up to all EH sites. More details will be in my reports and posted on as they become available.
Also, we are looking into reviving WEHR/CEHR, the EH radio show. IOA AbsoluteK will be assisting me in researching what is required to maintain a stable and organized radio show. More details will come as they are available.
One more thing, I have begun to consider a possible "Internet Office Competition"...the idea's just fresh in my head, so it will require some thinking, but a possible prize may be having the IO help you build an EH site, medals, or other various things of interest.
NEWS! The IO needs news for the EHNet home page! If you find any internet or computer related news, submit it! Just sign up for an account on and click the submit news link! This is an especially good idea for new recruits who are having trouble figuring out what they can do to be active...submitting news to the IO counts as activity!
I will be unavailable Thursday, so don't be surprised if I don't answer your emails right away.
Internet Office Poll
This week's poll is "What's your favorite scripting language?" at
Internet Office Websites Status
Internet Office ( - operational
EH Message Boards ( - operational
WebRing ( - operational
Images Archive ( - operational
VBScript IWATS Course ( - operational
Greeting Card Center ( - operational
Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week
This week's SotW is one of the subgroups which SotW visits somewhat less often: The Hammer's Fist. I've noticed that the HF site has a new host, and the site is extremely well done (it's in PHP, of course it is.) and carries out the task. Congrats to Zsinj ( on creating the HF site,
In Service of the Emperor's Hammer,
[GSx3] [SSx2] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-gh] [IS-4SR]
[LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoB] [LoA] [OV-2E]
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor
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