IO Report # 98 (2003-07-04)

This report was submitted by HA Ari

July 4 , 2003

Internet Office News

Well, plenty of big news this week. Lots of new exciting things happening in the IO now. Congrats to Alex Foley on his promotion to MAJ for his activity this week. In addition to the following, he will also be working on The Fringe's new site.

Alex Foley created a brand new site design for the SquadFirst site, but it's release has been delayed. Particularly because of the development of the next generation of SquadFirst-based websites: SquadFirst+. This major upgrade will completely redo the database structure so as to permit larger units, all the way up to Battlegroup, to create sites with - and even non-TC sites, such as a site for your DB Clan or HF Detachment! Also, you will be able to have multiple users, to allow access to various people different levels of access. SF+ will hopefully have additional modules/features for you to put in, too, plus maybe some new themes.

Alex Foley has organized another new service for the EH. Using the source code from, he has created the brand new EH Code Collaboration (CC) site at, with help from Xander Drax on a great design. The CC is a place for you to post any code you're having trouble with and have your fellow PHP developers help you work out the bugs! Just make sure to include any comments about what's wrong at the top!

I'm also happy to announce that the planning stages of EH Wargames are nearly over. Today marks the beginning of the CODING STAGE. After some heated debate about which type of database we will use, I have concluded that PostgreSQL will best suit our needs. I am also putting out the call for ALL PHP DEVELOPERS in the EH. We need coders! You should have at least some experience with creating database-driven applications. Don't worry if you're not familiar with PGSQL - it's very similar to MySQL in terms of actual syntax, and the differences aren't hard to learn. If you're interested in helping out with PHP coding of EH Wargames, send an e-mail to with how long you've been coding PHP, when/how you can be contacted (especially on IRC), along with any and all example sites you can give with your work. Not everyone will be accepted, because there are certain levels of experience we may need. Please do apply, though!

However, I do want to encourage all PHP developers to send me an e-mail anyway with their skills and experience, so as to create an informal developer's network. That way whenever I need to contact someone to do a PHP project, I can have email addresses readily available. So please, even if you're not interested in EHW, e-mail

Some more technical things about EHW for those interested, VA Reb Crush has set up a CVS (Concurrent Versioning System) workframe so as to make it easier for multiple coders working on different parts of code. Since he has experience with working with multiple coders on one project, he will be heading up the code management.

Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week

This week's 4 star SOTW is the EH Code Collaboration site by Alex Foley and Xander Drax at

Internet Office Links

Internet Office Poll

Will you use the Code Collaboration?

  • Yes, it's a great idea
  • Yes, but not often
  • No, it's a horrible idea
  • No, I'm too busy playing SWG
  • Sod off you chocolate monkey


Current IO Staff

IO: HA Ari
CA:IO: FA Leeson
IOA: AD Turtle
IOA: MAJ Xander Drax
IOA: MAJ Alex Foley
IOA: CPT Drako
In Service of the Emperor's Hammer,

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Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
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