Battlegroup III Report # 4 (2024-05-01)

This report was submitted by BGCOM-CAPT-TOA/VA Locke Setzer/Battlegroup III


May 1, 2024
VA Locke Setzer


Greetings, pilots of Battlegroup III! Today we start the next fleet-wide competition: Squadron (Re)Mobilization 6! Unlike other fleet competitions, this particular event isn't about beating a particular foe or another battlegroup - it's all about what you and your squadron can come together and do within a month. So let's begin!

TIE Corps News and Competitions

Squadron (Re)Mobilization 6

ReMob 6 begins today! Running for the entire month (ending May 31st), ReMob challenges each squadron to complete as many of the following goals as possible, with each goal having four tier levels:

  • Single Player
    • Complete Battles [Tier 1: 40 points worth; Tier 2: 80 points worth; Tier 3: 120 points worth; Tier: 160 points worth]
    • Complete Battles with 25% HS (or better) [Tier 1: 40 points worth; Tier 2: 80 points worth; Tier 3: 120 points worth; Tier: 160 points worth]
    • Complete Free missions [Tier 1: 40 points worth; Tier 2: 80 points worth; Tier 3: 120 points worth; Tier 4: 160 points worth]
    • Complete Free missions with 25% HS (or better) [Tier 1: 40 points worth; Tier 2: 80 points worth; Tier 3: 120 points worth; Tier 4: 160 points worth]

  • Multiplayer
    • Win MP matches with where at least one of your squadron's pilots score 15 or more player kills (match can only count once even if multiple pilots hit criteria) [Tier 1: 3 matches; Tier 2: 6 matches; Tier 3: 9 matches; Tier 4: 12 matches]
    • Win PvP matches with another member of your squadron on the opposing team [Tier 1: 55 points; Tier 2: 110 points; Tier 3: 165 points; Tier 4: 220 points]
    • Win PvP matches with another member of your squadron on your team [Tier 1: 75 points; Tier 2: 150 points; Tier 3: 225 points; Tier 4: 300 points]
    • Win PvE matches with another member of your squadron on your team [Tier 1: 250 points; Tier 2: 500 points; Tier 3: 750 points; Tier 4: 1000 points]

  • Writing and Academics
    • Write fiction [Tier 1: 1750; Tier 2: 3500; Tier 3: 5250; Tier 4: 7000]
    • Create and/or update 12 EH Wiki pages (at least 200+ words on each) [Tier 1: 3; Tier 2: 6; Tier 3: 9; Tier 4: 12]
    • Complete 12 Imperial University courses [Tier 1: 3; Tier 2: 6; Tier 3: 9; Tier 4: 12]
    • Create a Script for a 4 Mission Battle [See this example script and the competition listing for tier information]
Remember: points aren't the same as matches or missions. Each supported platform counts for a different amount of points. See the competition listing for more details on how many points a mission/match are worth for each platform.

Additionally, keep in mind that the exact points your squadron needs to earn varies based on your squadron size - the above numbers represent what's required for a full squadron. Your squadron commander will be able to give you an idea of what the goals should be for your squadron size.

This is very much a squadron-oriented competition - what goals you want to shoot for, how many tiers you try to hit, etc. - that's entirely up to you and your squadron. The important thing is that you coordinate with your squadron commander, especially on the items that aren't captured by the system (like EH Wiki page updates) or need some coordination (like the 4 mission battle script)

ORAs will be awarded to each squadron member that participates when they complete 4 tiers, 8 tiers, 16 tiers, and 32 tiers. At 40 tiers completed, a Meritorious Unit Award will be awarded to each participating member of the squadron. Titles will be awarded to the first three squadrons to complete all 48 tiers, as well as any squadron that completes 75% and 50% of all available tiers.

Additionally, a final offer: for any squadron that completes the 4 Mission Battle script and would like to see their creation come to life, but doesn't have members that are experienced building missions, I will take your script and create a battle from it for you, on whatever platform your script calls for. Hopefully that helps make that particular tier more enticing!

Please reach out if you have any questions about this competition! Additional details can be found at the competition listing. Happy hunting!

New Custom Missions for TFTC

It's not every day that you see the Battle Center add new categories, but that's exactly what's happened this week! The first custom TIE Fighter Total Conversion (TFTC) battle and free, both created by our own CM Jagged Fell III, have been released! These are custom missions designed to run specifically on TFTC, and make great use of the platform! If you have installed TFTC before, but haven't loved the campaign missions, I highly encourage you to give these a try - I think you'll find them more to your liking!

The new TFTC releases are:

If you've been on the fence about giving TIE Fighter Total Conversion for XWA a try, now is the time! You can find the installation instructions here. If you have difficulty installing the application (or the custom missions), don't hesitate to ask for help on the Discord - either in #technical-support or #bg3-cantina. We'll help get you sorted, no matter if you installed XWA using Steam, GoG, or a physical copy!

Battlegroup News and Competitions

Competition Reminder - Trivia for the Challenged

Friendly reminder that Trivia for the Challenged is back, with this season in full swing! Every week, our own COL Miles Prower issues a new set of trivia questions, with topics ranging from anything from Star Wars proper to people and places in the Emperor's Hammer! Current season runs through October 31st, 2024, with monthly awards being given, as well as an IS-GR up for grabs for the season winner. It's never too late to jump in, so feel free to take a look at this week's questions if you haven't already!

Keep an eye on #bg3-competitions-announcements on the Discord server to see where to find the latest trivia questions and to see the current standings! Otherwise, for more information about this competition, please view the competition listing.

New Tempest Command Staff

Following Major Morgoth's appointment as Tempest Commander, Captain Grendel has been appointed as the new Executive Officer, with Colonel Mordred replacing him as the new flight leader of Flight III!

Congrats to the new appointments! Very excited to see what Tempest Squadron can do under its new leadership in the days ahead!

Typhoon Squadron awarded the Meritorious Unit Award!

As a result of their third place finish in the TIE Corps in Battle fleetwide competition, all members of Typhoon Squadron that participated in TIE Corps in Battle have been awarded the Meritorious Unit Award!

Congrats to GN Triji Boliv, GN Master, MAJ Prost Varsis, CM Jagged Fell III, CM Anthony Starr, LCM Marlore Julren, and LCM Kieran Yoyo on your shiny new MUAs!

Battlegroup III Stats for April 2024

I regularly run stats to get a sense of what games are being played most often, and what kind of activity is popular within our battlegroup. For this month's report, I thought I would share a bit of that information with you. I may include more or less of this sort of thing going forward, depending on interest and how activities shift and change.

For the month of April, Star Wars Squadrons had the most recorded activity, but EA Battlefront II had the largest number of unique pilot submissions / number of participants. The list of all platforms used by at least one BG3 pilot in April 2024 includes Star Wars Squadrons, Star Conflict, EA Battlefront 2, X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, X-Wing Alliance, TIE Fighter, Destiny 2, Balance of Power, Empire at War, The Old Republic, and Classic Battlefront 2.


Top Platforms (by number of participants):

  1. EA Battlefront II
  2. Star Conflict
  3. Classic Battlefront II

Pilot with most PvP wins: CPT Grendel


Top Platforms (by participants):

  1. EA Battlefront 2 (tie)
  2. Star Wars Squadrons (tie)
  3. Balance of Power

Pilot with most PvE wins: CPT Grendel


Top Platforms (by participants):

  1. X-Wing Alliance
  2. TIE Fighter
  3. X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter

Pilot with most SP missions completed: CM Jagged Fell III


That's all for now! As always, if you have any questions about things going on in Battlegroup III, the TIE Corps, or anything else, please feel free to reach out! My email is and my Discord name is LockeSetzer. Please use whichever is most convenient for you. My door is always open!

In Service,


BGCOM-CAPT-TOA/VA Locke Setzer/Battlegroup III

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