Drakonan Report # 19 (2011-04-10)

This report was submitted by KE Tomaas Montte



Dark Greetings Everyone,

               It’s time for the weekly report.  

Quaestor’s Quote of the Week

               \"You\'re afraid that my words might be true. That the dark side doesn\'t corrupt in and of itself. That you\'re destined to become the next Sith Lord—the first Sith Lord to be active in decades, the first one in centuries with the strength to use the Sith techniques to help others. Because if it is true, you have to make a decision, choosing between your life as it is—comfortable, but almost purposeless—and life as you know it should be.\" – Lumiya to Jacen Solo


o   As usual even more developments in TOR revealed. MMO fans take a look.

o   New competitions launched and available. Take a look at the House Drakonan or EH website for details.

Sword of Drakonan Standings

               Sith Warrior Tuba is our reigning Sword of Drakonan.

               This month’s standings:

o   Tuba still leads the pack with 44 points

o   Followed by Kodiak with 17 points

o   In third is Rau Aznable with 13 points

o   Fourth is held by Xantros with 11 points



The current official competitions available to members of the House and their details:


No Biff, Pows, or Uffs here
Start Date: April 10, 2011
End Date: April 28, 2011
Groups involved: Dark Prophets Battleteam
Awards: Medals: 1st= Cr-1E, 2nd=Cr-1T, Cr-1Q
Wanting to make our Battle Team unique and something to set us apart from those Sith and Oblesk which are clearly not as awesome as us Krath I want your help in coming up with our own fighting style/move. This is your chance to be creative and help build the Battle Team up for the future as well. This will be a month long competition to give you the chance to ask questions come up with ideas. If all you can think of is a couple moves send them in. You may find them at least incorporated into our style. In your style make sure you add, where appropriate to your move or style: 1) A description of the style, when it is taught, if there are various levels to grow into, so that as you practice you gain a bit more in power. 2) How you stand, what angles your body is, what feet positions etc. 3) Strikes: Where you generally start the strike ie. Shoulder, waist etc. 4) Defence: How you can use it in defence, or what the weakness could be if you were practiced enough to know how to defend against it if a fellow BT member tried to use it on you. 5) Movement: How still or how slightently the practitioner moves. Are they always moving? Are they low or do they stand tall? Etc. 6) Training: Make sure you mention that it is only taught to our Battle Team, but when do you learn? Is there a time requirement? A rank requirement? If there are various levels to the power, make sure you mention when each level is taught. Remember we are Krath but that doesn’t mean we can’t kick some ass! Have fun with this one!! Submit to christmas_unicorn@yahoo.ca 
Comp Admin: GRD Jade Night

Our secret Weapon
Start Date: April 10, 2011
End Date: April 28, 2011
Groups involved: Dark Prophets Battleteam
Awards: Medals: 1st= Cr-1E, 2nd=Cr-1T
Many different guilds and Clans of the past have had their own unique weapon, be it a dagger with a special blade like obsidian or a sling shot type of deal, or the special knives in the various sects of the military. Our Battle Team deserves to have something special of its own. So taking into account the Star Wars Universe, take your favourite weapon and within reason modify it so that it gives our Battle Team the advantage that only we would have, if you so choose put in a picture of the modified weapon. Top two will receive medals the first place will go down in our BT history for our personal black ops weapon. Submit to christmas_unicorn@yahoo.ca
Comp Admin: GRD Jade Night

Bird is the Word
Start Date: April 9, 2011
End Date: April 23, 2011
Groups involved: House Drakonan
Awards: (Cr-1E) (Cr-1T) Cr-1Q) 
A word search will be given out via the mailing list. First three people to find all the words, based on DB related words and processes, will get awards.
Comp Admin: GRD Jade Night

Ode to the Saber
Start Date: April 9, 2011
End Date: April 22, 2011
Groups involved: House Drakonan
Awards: (Cr-1E) (Cr-1T) (Cr-1Q) 
Come up with a poem as an Ode to the Light Saber. Top three most creative and original will win the medals. Good Luck, have fun!
Comp Admin: GRD Jade Night

Start Date: April 7, 2011
End Date: April 30, 2011
Groups involved: House Drakonan
Awards: (Cr-1E) (Cr-1T) (Cr-1Q) 
Write a story, up to two pages of your dream job. What would your character like most to do? What does your character dream about doing job wise within the DB? Top three most creative and original will get the medals. Good Luck, Have fun!
Comp Admin: GRD Jade Night

Atmospheric Flight Training
Start Date: April 6, 2011
End Date: April 16, 2011
Groups involved: Active Dark Brotherhood Members
Awards: Crescent Emerald Star for 1st, Crescent Topaz Star for second 
Its time for another web game for everyone\'s enjoyment. This time you\'ll need to go to Star Wars.com to play Airstrike. You\'ll have until the 16th to practice play and go for the highest score possible. When you are satisfied, take a scrren shot and send it to ascottcampbell7@aol.com. The two highest scores win Crescents. Good Luck!
Comp Admin: KE Tomaas Montte

Kick the Yoda
Start Date: April 5, 2011
End Date: April 23, 2011
Groups involved: House Drakonan
Awards: (Cr-1E) (Cr-1T) Cr-1Q) 
A one word story based on the message board. You have to write one word and with the entire House taking part you will make up a story. You can post as many times as you like (and is encouraged) but you need at least one post between your last post and your new post. Each post made will be counted as one point. Top three point holders win shinnies.
Comp Admin: GRD Jade Night



Red Barons of the Dark Brotherhood
Start Date: March 1, 2011
End Date: December 31, 2012
Groups involved: All Dark Brotherhood members, including Dark Council, who own XW, TIE, XvT, BoP, or XWA and wish to participate.
Awards: Monthly 1st place: Cr-A Monthly 2nd place: Cr-S Monthly 3rd place: Cr-E Annual (Jan-Dec) 1st Place: Cr-D Annual 2nd Place: Cr-R Annual 3rd Place: Cr-A
Monthly flying competition within the Dark Brotherhood. Top 3 members with the most total missions in each month, submitted to DJK Tuba or QUA Montte, win Crescents. Top flier also earns the title Red Baron of the Dark Brotherhood for that month. Flier with most wins at the end of the calendar year will earn title Red Baron of the Dark Brotherhood [year].
Comp Admin: 
DJK Tuba



Fortnight Ace
Start Date: March 1, 2011
End Date: December 31, 2012
Groups involved: Open to all active Dark Brotherhood Members. Missions/Battles and platforms will cycle every 2 weeks (fortnight) to give everyone a chance to participate.
Awards: Cr-E to the highest score for each mission or overall highest score in the case of a battle.
Each fortnight (2 week period) a flying mission or battle from the archives is chosen and announced via email and weekly reports. Highest score wins an Emerald Crescent. Selected platforms will rotate among XW, TIE, XvT, BoP, and XWA, modified as necessary to meet the needs of the membership.
Comp Admin: 
DJK Tuba


The Sword of Drakonan
Start Date: March 1, 2011
End Date: March 31, 2012
Groups involved: House Drakonan
Awards: Medals: For taking the highest level of points in a given month the member will receive a Cr-1A, for taking second a Cr-1S. Additionally, the member that is the overall leader in points for the year at that point becomes “The Sword of Drakonan” a fictional position that entitles them to a special piece of equipment, this can be worked out between myself and the winner. Also this position will serve as the Quaestor’s personal assassin, commando, advisor etc. If the member loses the title the next month they lose the benefits until they can reclaim it.

At the end of the year the title of Sword and the included benefits become permanent even if the member retires or a new Sword is chosen. Also at the end of the year the top three point scores will receive a Gold Nova, Silver Nova, and Bronze Nova respectively.
The idea behind this competition is to allow each of you to compete in a friendly manner to determine who is the most active and accomplished dark jedi in the House. Next to me of course. ;) How it works is there are point values assigned to specific activities and awards. Each time you complete one of these activities, you automatically get the points. Now at the end of each month the points will be tallied and the leader becomes the \"Sword of Drakonan. A recognition of your excellence at pursuing the dark side arts and serving House Drakonan. This monthly title comes with a medal and the fictional perks of being my right hand...being. Also we\'ll work out a fun added bonus for you to claim in any run ons or fiction.

Here\'s the catch: We\'re dark jedi. You only hold the title as long as you can keep your fellow Dark Reavers from snatching it away so you better stay on top of the point total or next month I\'ll have a new Sword assisting me.

Here\'s how the point breakdown goes:

TIE Fighter/XWA/ etc. – 1 point per mission flown (2 if the member receives a high score)

Multiplayer Gaming (on any official platform) – 1 point per match played (2 if the MP was in an EH sponsored or endorsed match with an outside club)

Message Board posts – 1 point (double posting doesn’t count, the member must wait for a response from another House member, this also includes run ons)

DB Fiction- 1 point per page, an extra point for a submission that wins a competition

Graphics/Videos/Mission, Mod, Map, Level Creation- 1-5 points depending on the size and detail of each (I’ll have to use my discretion here, an extra point for any such submission that is part of an official competition, and an extra 2 for a competition winner)

Coursework-  1 point for successful completion of any course in the EH Academies, 2 points for a Shadow Academy course.

Course Creation- 3 points for creating a course in any EH academy, 2 extra points for creating a Shadow Academy course.

Recruiting- 5 points for each new member recruited that becomes active and stays so for at least a month.

Serving as a BTL- Each week counts as 1 point, the BTL must produce a unit report and be active in at least one other activity listed above and be running 1 unit level or higher competition, 1 extra point earned per activity or competition run by that BTL that has at least 5 members other than them participating)

Trivia and other miscellaneous types of activity/competition- 1 point for participating in each competition or activity cycle.

Now at the end of the year the three top point earners will receive Gold through Bronze Novas for their outstanding achievements. In addition the person who gathers the most points for the year gets to keep their fictional title permanently and any benfits attached to it.

Good luck everyone and let the frenzy begin!
Comp Admin: KE Tomaas Montte 


Stingray Squadron Trivia  

Start Date: January 23, 2011

End Date: January 27, 2012

Groups involved: Dark Brotherhood

Awards: At the end of the week, highest point total wins a Legion of the Scholar. Crescent awards for cumulative correct answers: Cr-1Q for 25, Cr-1T for 50, Cr-1E for 100, Cr-1S for 200, Cr-1A for 400, Cr-1R for 800, and Cr-1D for 1500 lifetime answers. Yes, that\'s almost 6 straight years of weekly trivia, but it\'s something to aspire to.

Each week I will ask 5 questions from material found on Wookieepedia and the Dark Side Compendium. Members will respond via email. The first correct answer each day receives 2 points, while each correct answer for the same day receives 1 point. The weekly competiton will run from Sunday to Thursday, with the winner announced during my weekly Battleteam report on Friday. Any member who wins 3 weeks in a row, is required to sit out for a week to give others a chance, but they may still answer the questions for points toward their cumulative total. (Note that despite the name this competition is open to all active DB members. Send all entries to 
ehtuba@gmail.com .




               Tons of competitions are available check above or at the site for details.

               There are several flying competitions active so warm up your engines and grab your flight stick and go get some medals!

               Keep in mind that if you are a pilot, Battles and missions can be submitted as both TC and DB activity for the same mission, so be sure to deluge your BTL (and me) with cc: s of anything you fly.

               There are always courses available to be taken in the EH university of your choice for activity.


Final Thoughts

               This has been an excellent week activity wise. I’m extremely happy to see renewed activity and interest at the Message Board and the trivia competition continues to strong. We have a ton of competitions running (quite a few for the Krath thanks to Jade), and the House is looking fairly healthy. DIE should be coming soon for beta testing as well. It’s under review right now and will be ready to go soon. If you see Xantros make sure to thank him for all his work and time in taking on this project and  creating something like this for the rest of us. I’ve looked through the draft and I’m impressed with his work and personally thankful for him lending us his time and talent.

               As a matter of fact I’m fairly impressed with everyone who’s been getting active and participating lately and pleased to see it. It’s making this job a lot more enjoyable and I’m always glad for that. Go out and get active in something if you haven’t already because there is a lot of fun to be had right now. Also, keep an eye on your Inbox because I’ll probably be doing another mid week announcement this week. Until then, Koyaci!


Darkness Defend,

QUA/KE Tomaas Montte/Drakonan House



CA:TO/VA Tomaas Montte/CA-4/SSSD Sovereign [DCRN]


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