Drakonan Report # 25 (2011-06-06)

This report was submitted by KE Tomaas Montte



Dark Greetings Everyone,

               It’s time for the weekly report.


Quaestor’s Quote(s) of the Week

o   "Indeed, I am most eager to engage in some unadulterated violence. At your command, of course, master." ―HK-47

o   "Even if you kill me, the fighting and death will continue. Of course, you won't kill me. Not today."―Dooku




o   A slow news week for the club as a whole, but we saw two long absent members return to our message board forum.  Welcome back Azurin and Ramos, you’ve been missed, though I’m sure with improved firearms training drills we’ll correct that problem.

o   A new run on featuring our House infiltrating a notorious Corporate Sector Authority prison for Intelligence data and then busting out with carnage and flair only dark jedi can manage has begun. Pop on over to the forum and join the fun of incarceration and ultra violence! (9 out of ten Mandalorians recommend ultra violence as the best cure for stress and/or boredom, the other was killed by the first nine before he could give an opinion.)


The current official competitions available to members of the House and their details are available at the House Drakonan website: https://sites.google.com/site/housedrakonan/competitions  or can be found at the main Emperor’s Hammer site: http://www.emperorshammer.org/comps.php



               There’s a RUN ON on the message board forum!  Go write and be happy, remember each post counts towards Sword of Drakonan points.

   There are several flying competitions active so warm up your engines and grab your flight stick and go get some medals!

               Keep in mind that if you are a pilot, Battles and missions can be submitted as both TC and DB activity for the same mission, so be sure to deluge your BTL (and me) with cc: s of anything you fly.

               There are always courses available to be taken in the EH university of your choice for activity.


Final Thoughts

               I’m generally pleased with last week’s upswing in activity and very happy to see long time members rejoining the fold. I’m looking forward to seeing how the details of this run on play out as well.  Grandmaster Hades tells me he has further plot points awaiting us. Also, there will be medals awarded across several categories of writing in the run on, which GM Hades has graciously agreed to judge. I’ll be posting the awards details at the Drakonan site and of course submitting it as a competition at the main EH site in the next two days, stop in at either place for details I’m going to yet again sound the call for suggestions for activities you’d all be interested in. I had heard that serious fiction was something that many of you wanted to do, yet received only two entries for the Dark Reavers short fiction competition. Thanks to Xantros and Tuba for their fine efforts there. I’m willing to consider anything,  just let me know. I was also really pleased to note that several courses had been taken at the Shadow Academy and elsewhere by members. Education is key to galactic domination you know.  Good work everyone, lets see the same but more in the coming week.


Darkness Defend,

QUA/KE Tomaas Montte/Drakonan House



CA:TO/VA Tomaas Montte/CA-4/SSSD Sovereign [DCRN]


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