Drakonan Report # 26 (2011-06-12)

This report was submitted by KE Tomaas Montte



Dark Greetings Everyone,

               It’s time for the weekly report.


Quaestor’s Quote(s) of the Week

o   "Some things you can't control. If you fear them, then those things control you."―Jacen Solo,

o   "Hang on to your hate. It will help you endure. I couldn't hate, and it nearly destroyed me."―Darth Caedus




o   More Old Republic News this week, drop by the Emperor’s Hammer Site to check it out.

o   We have a new competition based around our ongoing “Black Rock” run on. Check out the details below.



Prison Letters (New!)

Start Date: June 12, 2011
End Date: June 30, 2011
Groups involved: Dark Brotherhood
Awards: Diamond Star (Cr-1D) for 1st in category, Ruby Star (Cr-1R) for second in category.
Grand Master Hades will be reading the "Black Rock" run on posts and judging who had the best entries in several categories, including Best Individual post, Best Team Player, Best Action Scene, and perhaps a few others. So write often and well so he has a plethora of choices for his categories.
Comp Admin: KE Tomaas Montte


The current official competitions available to members of the House and their details are available at the House Drakonan website: https://sites.google.com/site/housedrakonan/competitions  or can be found at the main Emperor’s Hammer site: http://www.emperorshammer.org/comps.php



               There’s a RUN ON on the message board forum!  Go write and be happy, remember each post counts towards Sword of Drakonan points.

There are several flying competitions active so warm up your engines and grab your flight stick and go get some medals!

               Keep in mind that if you are a pilot, Battles and missions can be submitted as both TC and DB activity for the same mission, so be sure to deluge your BTL (and me) with cc: s of anything you fly.

               There are always courses available to be taken in the EH university of your choice for activity.


Final Thoughts

               I saw a lot of activity and support for Tuba’s trivia this week and a good start to our new House run on. I was also pleased to see members returning to active status and I’ve seen several courses being taken by both Sith and Krath. I’m also told that DIE has begun beta testing and I’m waiting to see how that  turns out and eagerly awaiting it opening to the entire DB.  Keep in mind that DIE is considered a “multiplayer” platform and when it opens any sanctioned events using DIE will earn Cluster of Fire medals for those of you who win. So I may finally get to award some MP medals. Speaking of multiplayer, I’d like anyone interested in competing in multiplayer on any of our established platforms to send me a short email saying they are interested and which platform they’re interested in. I’d really like to plan some MP events but I need to know who’s interested and what they are interested in so I can get something together. Seeing all this activity this week made me quite happy. I’m hoping the momentum continues to build and urge all of you to get in touch with inactive friends and get them back among us and having fun if you can. The more the merrier and there are always medals and promotions up for grabs. If any of you have ideas for or interest in a particular activity, send me an email or catch me on IM and let me know and we’ll see about getting it going. Until next week, keep active, get to know your fellow House members, and have fun.


Darkness Defend,

QUA/KE Tomaas Montte/Drakonan House



CA:TO/VA Tomaas Montte/CA-4/SSSD Sovereign [DCRN]


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