Drakonan Report # 0 (2011-11-06)

This report was submitted by SBM Tuba

Dark Greetings and Sithutations!

Two reports in as many weeks?  Surely the stars are properly aligned!

Coruscant Run On
This is up and running but so far only Kaisin and Tygra have posted.  Seriously?  Does no one care that these murderers attacked our home planet?  Does no one else want to raid Triple Zero and leave devastation in our wake?  This is the event we've all been waiting for and a chance to revitalize our House.  I know you're receiving these messages (and hopefully reading them!) so please (pretty please with padawan Y-wings on top!) get over to the Message Boards and post.  I'm not asking for a lot here: just a bit of involvement in the story from everyone.  Even a single post will help craft the story.

Battlefield 3 Guilds!
Our own Master At Arms, KPN Montte created a PS3 guild for your BF3 pleasure.  Just join Emperor's Hammer (tag -EH-) and receive credit for your online play.  GA Rapier set up an identical PC guild entitled Emperor's Hammer PC (tag EH) for those rocking the gaming desktop.  Drop in and earn SoD points for achievements and play time!

TOR Guild Finalized!
The Emperor's Hammer TOR guild is official and ready to launch with the game in just over a month.  Early access begins up to 5 days prior to TOR-Day (December 20th) for those who pre-ordered the game.  Take advantage of the time to create your character and learn the game mechanics before everyone else!

NEW MSP Participants
BTL/DJK Kaisin Mirtez and PRT Tygra Shadowclaw formally entered the Master Student Program this week.  Follow their adventures and mentorship on the Message Boards under the House Drakonan forum.  We are all watching with great interest and expect great accomplishments from our latest pairing.

Interested in participating?  Mentorship is one of the ways members advance above the rank of DJK and it helps our junior members achieve rank at an accelerated pace.  All MSP posts earn extra SoD points so it's also a fun and easy way to quickly improve your standings.  Please contact me if interested!

Personnel Transfers
Protector Kodiak Kereban left House Drakonan this week, transferring to the Rogues.  We wish him all the best and hope for the return of such a valuable member.

Tygra Shadowclaw elevated two ranks, from Novice to Protector, in recognition of his outstanding work for the month of October.

Steel Cross to PRT Tygra Shadowclaw for earning 47 SoD points in October, including the completion of 27 courses and participation in the House Run On.  Tygra's devotion and hard work reflect great credit upon himself and the entire Dark Brotherhood, serving as a shining example for all to follow.

Amethyst Star and the title 'Sword of Drakonan' awarded to PRT Tygra Shadowclaw for placing first in October SoD.

Sapphire Star awarded to Dark Jedi Knight Kaisin Mirtez for placing second in October SoD.

Legion of the Scholar awarded to Dark Side Adept Scoser for victory in DB Trivia 40.

On Leave
JH Jade Night.

We really need to focus on the run on.  The Grand Master and the Grand Admiral and watching this with great interest as it's not just our story, but the next chapter in the main EH plot.  I'm awarding double SoD points for all run on posts as incentive.  Help bring closure to this horrific chapter in EH history and rain destruction upon those who attack our homes.

Keep it Sithy.

QUA/SBM Pel “Tuba” Morba/Drakonan House/FRG Swift Fury
(ED) (GC) (SoP) (DC-O) (Cr-D-R-Ax5-Sx4-Ex9-Tx4) (LSG) (LSG) (LSS)

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