Drakonan Report # 0 (2012-05-04)

This report was submitted by SWL Tuba

Dark Greetings!  We had a busy month in May, with 111 SoD points earned by our members, plus a changing of the guard in Sword of Drakonan!  Points breakdowns, awards, a promotion, and Coruscant Run On news all in the paragraphs below.



EH News:

The eh.net bug was quickly corrected so all our TOR players received credit for their EH character levels.  Since global characters are also listed now, credit is only given for those attached to the EH guild or it’s Infiltrator Wing counterpart.


DB News:

Revanite Fiction Comp Needs Entries!

No entries so far.  Truth be told, there was only SK Shadowclaw’s entry for our Where Were You? Contest so you won’t be seeing any more fiction assignments from me for a while.  Still, we have a couple of new members and the Revanites are an interesting subject.  I’m sitting this one out to help with judging so turn in your Revanite stories! http://emperorshammer.net/forum/m/3268063/viewthread/2734267-revanites-dark-brotherhood-wide-fiction-contest


DSC Coding continues! 

DGM Montte is hard at work coding the revised Dark Side Compendium so look for that soon.  In the interim, I’ve received permission to post the revised Force Powers list on our own House Drakonan site.  I will email everyone when that list is up and running, hopefully within the next 24 hours.


Coruscant Run On!

Our mid-April deadline passed without the new list of Force Powers.  That was due to a miscommunication on my part and I humbly apologize.  As mentioned above, I will post the list and power descriptions on our Drakonan site so we can get the run on rolling again.



Veteran Members Return!

I’d like to extend hearty welcome aboards to SBM Aija Judarrl and SWL Arion Sunrider.  Both return from the shadowy Rogues gallery and have plenty of stories from their time in the Unknown Regions.  Please join me in welcoming them to House Drakonan!




Canis Loopus advanced to the rank of Guardian!  Canis performed well in April, earning the next rank on his path to Knighthood.  Well done, Canis!  You may now buy the drinks.




Grand Cross of the Dark Side awarded to SK Tygra Shadowclaw.

Tygra is the only member to compete in every single contest since joining our ranks last fall.  His consistently high activity levels, helpful suggestions, and tireless devotion to assisting others reflect great credit upon himself and are in keeping with the highest traditions of the Dark Brotherhood.  It is with great pleasure that I confer this prestigious award to Sith Knight Shadowclaw in recognition of his exemplary service over the past four months.


Steel Cross: DA Scoser for April Activity.

Dark Cross: DSM Exar Kit, SWL Arion Sunrider, and GRD Canis Loopus for April Activity


Amethyst Star to DA Scoser for placing first in April SoD.  In addition, I now confer the title ‘Sword of Drakonan’ upon Dark Side Adept Scoser with all the benefits and responsibilities inherent to that position.

Sapphire Star to SWL Sunrider and SK Shadowclaw for second place in April SoD.

Legions of the Scholar to GRD Canis Loopus for victories in rounds 64 and 65 of DB Trivia.


Please join me in congratulating our latest award recipients.




None completed.  Since DGM Montte and I are the Training Officer and CA:TO respectively, we would like to see some coursework.  You might just learn something, and all courses receive SoD credit with a bonus point for perfect scores!



April Sword of Drakonan:

DA Scoser – 33 pts: TOR, forum posts, DB Trivia.

SWL Sunrider – 23 pts: TOR.

SK Shadowclaw – 23 pts: Where Were You? Entry, TOR, forum posts, DB Trivia.

GRD Loopus – 11 pts: TOR, DB Trivia.

DSM Kit – 10 pts: TOR.

SBM Zsinj – 4 pts: DB Trivia.

SWL Gin – 2 pts: Forum post, DB Trivia.

JH Rhal – 2 pts: TOR.

SBM Dempsey – 1 pt: DB Trivia.

SBM Xantros – 1 pt: DB Trivia.

AED/SK Uhlahn – 1 pt: DB Trivia.


Zero pts for April:

GM Czulvang Lah

DSM Exar Kit

DA Dante

SBM Azurin Luna

SK Kaisin Mirtez

SK Max

SK Sam Rajax

JH Jade Night

JH Rau Aznable

JH Rhal

GRD Elad Cirith

ACO Ramos

NOV Tokac Lightningmoon


If any of these point totals are incorrect, tell me and I’ll fix it!



Handy Links:

House Drakonan: https://sites.google.com/site/housedrakonan/home
EH Guild and the EH Forums: http://emperorshammer.net



April was a decent month for us and I’m happy to have our new members return to the fold.  As promised, the revised Force Powers List will be on the Drakonan site.  As soon as it’s done, I’ll email everyone.  After a brief adjustment period with time for Q&A, we’ll continue the run on.


Keep it Sithy.


QUA/SWL Tuba/Drakonan House/FRG Swift Fury
(ED) (GC) (SoP) (DC-O) (GN) (Cr-Dx2-R-Ax5-Sx4-Ex9-Tx4) (LSG) (LSG) (LSS)


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