Drakonan Report # 0 (2012-07-16)

This report was submitted by SWL Tuba

Dark Greetings!  We have a pile of activity and combat in the run on!


EH News:

LOTS of events scheduled in the Guild Calendar over in EH.net.  Sign up at the calendar on the main page and enjoy the plethora of activities brought to you by the tireless efforts of our esteemed Guild Officers!  While you’re at it, take a moment to thank them for putting together such a great organization.  That’s right, it’s Hug A Guild Officer Week!


DB News:

The balloon is up!  After some outstanding posts by GM Hades and SWL Destavol Gin, hostilities have now commenced in the Coruscant Run On.  Swing by the eh.net forum and unleash your fury upon the perpetrators of the Aurora Prime Massacre.


GM Hades disabled the security feeds with some interesting weaponry while Dest showed us all we can indulge in mayhem in style!  Me?  Well, I just demonstrated my shiny new Force Crush ability on a most deserving adversary. 


Want access to never-before-seen Force Powers?  Just cruise over to the House Drakonan site and see what’s available to you from the Revised Force Powers list.  It’s on permanent display there for your convenience!


DB Trivia!

This week saw Clan Alvaak’s inclusion in DBT and they hit the ground running!  SK Starkillerny claimed the top spot while DJM Trajanus shared the fruit basket with DA Scoser and NOV Scholasticus.  I’m grateful for everyone’s participation and hope you all have as much fun answering the questions as Darth Trebek and I have finding them.



LSS to SK Starkillerny for victory in DBT 76.



NOV Scholasticus completed the Obelisk Phase II course.  Great work!



112 (no, that’s NOT a typo) missions flown so far by SBM Elwood!  Outstanding!


July Sword of Drakonan:

SBM Elwood: 114 pts (112 TIE missions and DB Trivia)

DSM Exar Kit: 27 pts (TOR)

DA Scoser: 26 pts (TOR, DB Trivia)

SWL Destavol Gin: 8 pts (Run on posts, DB Trivia)

NOV Scholasticus: 4 pts (Obelisk Phase II, DB Trivia)

SBM Zsinj: 2 pts (DB Trivia)

SK Tygra Shadowclaw: 2 pts (DB Trivia)


That’s all I know about so far.  Scores are updated on the Drakonan site for all to see.  If something’s in error, please let me know so I can fix it!


Handy Links:

House Drakonan: http://sites.google.com/site/housedrakonan/home
EH Guild and the EH Forums: http://emperorshammer.net


Clan Alvaak joins our trivial musings and the Run On is finally off to a wonderful start.  I look forward to seeing all of you flex your combat muscles over in the forums.


Keep it Sithy.


QUA/SWL Tuba/Drakonan House/FRG Swift Fury
(ED) (GC) (SoP) (DC-O) (GN) (Cr-Dx2-R-Ax5-Sx4-Ex9-Tx4) (LSG) (LSG) (LSS)

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