Drakonan Report # 3 (2015-09-26)

This report was submitted by SWL Pellaeon


Clan Drakonan Proconsul Report #3

Date submited: 26th September 2015
From: P:GM-PCON SWL Pellaeon
To: GM Tomaas Montte
CC: entire Dark Brotherhood



Dark greetings!
Welcome to number 3 Proconsul report of Clan Drakonan.
Exciting things happend. This week we got a lot of new ("old") Siths in our Clan. At first I want to welcome SBL Talons Pryde, SK Liam Stephens and SBM Aija Alura Judarrl, who just rejoined our ranks from the rogues.
SK Liam Stephens will enforce Hammer's Fist Battle Team while SBL Talons Pryde and Aija Alura Judarrl will join Clan Drakonan directly. I guess we will find something for you, because you both were Krath before and the Orders were dissolved years ago. Maybe we can finally go for a new fiction/roleplay Battleteam if there are any other interested members. Who knows? Future is in a permanent movement.
But thats not enough! I would also welcome NOV Silvius, who just joined the Dark Brotherhood as a STO and SC player and allready recieved his first elevation. Congratulations!
Last but not least there was one more Sith Apprentice, who joined the Dark Brotherhood. I also want to welcome NOV Leocadio earning his first elevation too. A good start for a great Sith career.

September will end soon, so I'm looking forward to recieve the very first evaluation entry from the Hammer's Fist BTL. For the Battleteams without a BTL or the members without a BT it will be handled as usual by our CON and myself.

We are still urgent looking for a Battleteam Leader for Stingray. It is a primary flight sim oriented Battle Team. Feel free to contact CON Crsepe and myself if you want this job.
There are also a lot of Siths without a Battleteam in our Clan, if you want to join one, just give a sign. Having substantial structures in the Clan makes administration easier and takes a lot of burden off our shoulders.

Thats all for the moment, let's look at the numbers:


Pimp the Fleet V3.0: (Star Trek online / DB wide, hosted by PCON Pellaeon)

Every month I count the contributions of the Members to the Fleet. This will be sorted in a rankinglist for every of the 5 sections. Additional to that there will be an overall rankinglist. One high active Member in all 5 sections is able to grab up to 6 awards! Additional to that we have the small ancillary effect that our Fleet increases in level and functionality. With permission of our MAA, I'll participate from now on in the competition too. So everybody has now an additional hard opponent.

Overall winner counting all 5 sections together:
1st Place Amethyst Star (Cr-1A)
2nd Place Sapphire Star (Cr-1S)
3rd PLace Emerald Star (Cr-1E)
Winner of one Section: (Base, Embassy, Dilithium Mine, Spire and Science Lab)
1st Place Emerald Star (Cr-1E)
2nd Place Topaz Star (Cr-1T)
3rd Place Quartz Star (Cr-1Q)

Dark Schematic: (hosted by CON Crsepe)
While in your search for those seeking to gather information on the Dark Hall's defenses and layout, you stumble upon a datapad that contains the schematic of the Dark Hall here on Eos. Draw a map of what you think the Dark Hall of Eos looks like. Can be hand drawn or digital, send your submissions in to me at crsepe@gmail.com.  Awards: 1st Place Emerald Star (Cr-1E) 2nd Place Topaz Star (Cr-1T) 3rd PLace Quartz Star (Cr-1Q)  Runs 9-14 thru 9-27.

Drakonan Duels: (hosted by CON Crsepe)
Encompassing all approved EH/DB platforms, you're goal is to participate in as many MP matches as you can, and gain a victory. Clusters of Fire will be tallied at the end of each week and at the end of each month and awards will be issued accordingly. Any Gaming Nights/Events will be included in the totals.  Each week the top three members with receive a Crescent with Emerald Star for 1st place, a Crescent with Topaz Star for 2nd place, and a Crescent with Quartz Star for 3rd place. At the end of the month the top three members with receive a Crescent with Amethyst Star for 1st place, a Crescent with Sapphire Star for 2nd place, and a Crescent with Emerald Star for 3rd place.  Runs 9-8 thru 12-31.

Sword of Drakonan: (hosted by CON Crsepe)
A points tracking system that allows everyone to compete in a friendly manner. Points are assigned to specific activities and awards. Each time you complete an activity, you will automatically get the points. At the end of each month the points will be tallied and the leader becomes the "Sword of Drakonan" for the month. You will only hold the title as long as you can keep your fellow Dark Reavers from snatching it away, so you will need to stay on top of the points total or risk losing it the next month.  Awards: Each month the top three members with receive a Crescent with Amethyst Star for 1st place, a Crescent with Sapphire Star for 2nd place, and a Crescent with Emerald Star for 3rd place. At the end of the year the top three point scores will receive a Gold Nova, Silver Nova, and Bronze Nova respectively.  Runs the entire year.

Competition Results

CON Crsepe's DB Trivia 180 results:

A896: Whiterock Wastes
A897: 1988 years, or almost two thousand years
A898: Snow Hawks
A899: Mara Jade
A900: Terrinald Screed and Jan Dodonna

The results are:

SBM Plif taking first place with 8 points earning himself a Legion of the Scholar.
ACO Archenksov takes second place with 7 points earning himself a Hiranan fruit basket.
NOV Sparky came in third with 6 points earning himself a holovid projector.
ACO Ra'nnar Volfe ended with 4 points, and NOV Armags ended with 3 points.

#181 is currently running, make sure to send your entries to CON Crepe until 23:59 (CST) Sunday.

Here is a recap of this weeks questions:
Q901: What was WED-15-77 usually called?
Q902: What droid was the I-8 Black Widow a modified form of?
Q903: What model droid was Mistress Mnemos?
Q904: What was the WBY-102 FirstMate droid programmed for?
Q905: Eventually employed as an interrogation droid, what was the Agonizer-6 Nerve Disruptor originally used for?

Open Command Positions

- Stingray Battleteam: flight sims (X-Wing,TIE Fighter, XvT, XWA, Star Conflict)

Hyperion Battle Team Roster

P:GM-PCON/SWL Pellaeon
BTM/JH Wolfverine
BTM/GM Nocturnus
BTM/SK Jedi Eclipse
BTM/PRT Cerberus
BTM/PRT Mordred
BTM/PRT Marcus Caine
BTM/DSM Daniel Licinius Trajanus
BTM/SBL Torres
BTM/JH Rau Aznable
BTM/NOV Silvius

STO Fleet Status

Current Fleet status:
- Fleet Level: 24 (+1)
- Star Base Level: 3
- Dilithium Mine Level: 2
- Embassy Level: 1
- Spire Level: 1
- Science Lab Level: 0

We should try to develop our Dilithium Mine first, every level gives us discount for the other structures. We raised the level of our fleet from 23 to 24, great work!

Awards and Promotions

SWL Pellaeon: CoF, SoI
SWL Ulrich Drachen. CoF, Cr-T, SoI
SBM Delak Krennel. CoF, Cr-Q
SBM Anahorn Dempsey: CoF
NOV Leocadio: CoF
DA Zephon: CoF
ACO Archenksov: CoF
ACO Ran'ar Volfe: CoF
NOV Silvius: CoF
NOV Sparky. CoF
SBM Plif. LoS

APP Leocadio to Novice
APP Silvius to Novice

To keep it simple, I only wrote one CoF and not every single award. These are listed detailed ever week in MAA/DSP Elwood the Brave's report.


I'm looking now over 3 weeks unsuccessful for a BTL for Stingray. Hopefully someone feels himself suitable and experienced to apply for the job. I'm looking forward.
Thats all for now, for ideas and suggestion I've always an open door.

respectfully submitted


Praetor to the Grandmaster and Proconsul Sith Warlord Pellaeon
P:GM-PCON/SWL Pellaeon /Clan Drakonan

POTM January 2002, August 2002, September 2002, October 2002
Sith Champion April 2002
Hyperion Sith/Qua Escort Winner NOV/DEC 2002
Best pilot of Hyperion for all time
Admiral Pellaeon
SOO-LOA/AD Pellaeon/TC-2/ISDII Challenge

GSx2/SSx2/BSx9/PCx10/ISMx11/IS-9GW-31SW-44BW-12SR-13BR/MoI-BC/MoT-1gh/LoC-PS-Rx3/LoS-CSx8/DFC-BW/MoC-1doc-1poc-2goc-2soc-13boc/CoLx2/CoB/LoA/OV-14E [EXCR] [Veteran 1st]
YT-1300 Corellian Transport "Krümelmonster"
Avenger Black Shirt



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