Palpatine Report # 3 (2015-11-22)

This report was submitted by PRT Silvius


DATE SUBMITED: 22th November 2015





Dark greetings to everyone!

Battlefront 3 is a DB MP platform now. minimum requirements for MP victories to be eligible for a Cluster of Fire is at least one Non-AI kill for now. BF 3 is on evaluation time over the next months. So it is possible, that the requirements will be adjusted depending on the amount of submissions.
DB accepts victory screens for ALL PvP modes on BF3. So played it a lot and gained many Cluster of Fire!!.

First screen for the “First Blood” Competition was submitted. Come on, there are more of you who can submit a screen! Don´t disappoint me!!



BTM SBM Wraith
             no contact

BTM SW Coranel Both
             5 rounds of Trivia participation
             mail contact
             Crescent with Emerald Star

BTM SW Golbez Harvey
             no contact

BTM SK Iceman
             no contact

BTM SK Mark Schueler
             Telegram activity

BTM ACO Drake Starfire
             no contact

BTM ACO Sparky
             1 rounds of Trivia participation
             mail  contact
             mailing list activity
             Telegram activity
             Cresent with Topaz Star

BTM APP snowballpudi
             no contact

BTM SBM Anahorn Dempsey
             1 round of Trivia participation
             mail contact
             Telegram activity
             Crescent with Quartz Star

BTL PRT Silvius




BTL PRT Silvius
BTM SBM Wraith
BTM SW Coranel Both
BTM SW Golbez Harvey
BTM SK Iceman
BTM SK Mark Schueler
BTM ACO Drake Starfire
BTM ACO Sparky
BTM APP snowballpudi
BTM SBM Anahorn Dempsey


Clusters of Fire
             BTM ACO Sparky 18x
             BTL PRT Silvius 37x

Crescent with Emerald Star
             BTM SW Coranel Both

Cresent with Topaz Star
             BTM ACO Sparky

Crescent with Quartz Star
             BTM SBM Anahorn Dempsey

Legion of Scholar
            BTL PRT Silvius


Answers of Battle Team Trivia #6-#10:

Question 6:      Who was the master of Yoda?
Answer:           N´Kata Del Gomo

Question 7:      How old was Yoda when he became Jedi Master?
Answer:          96 years

Question 8:     When begun the Force to flux, becoming murky and uncertain?
Answer:          200 BBY

Question 9:      Which two Jedi died on the Yinchorri raid on the Jedi Temple?
Answer:          Jude Rozess and Tieren Nie-Tan

Question 10:    Who was the famest padawan of Yoda?
Answer:          Count Doku


Ranking List:

1st Place: SW Coranel Both  -> Crescent with Emerald Star
2nd Place: ACO Sparky -> Crescent with Topaz Star
3rd Place: SBM Anahorn Dempsey -> Crescent with Quartz Star

Congrats to all medal grabbers!



one submission so far



Pimp the Fleet V3.0
Start Date: January 1, 2015
End Date: December 31, 2015
Groups involved: Star Trek online
Awards: Overall winner counting all 5 sections together: 1st Place Amethyst Star (Cr-1A) 2nd Place Sapphire Star (Cr-1S) 3rd PLace Emerald Star (Cr-1E) Winner of of one Section (Base, Ambassadory, Dilithium Mine, Research Facility, Spire) 1st Place Emerald Star (Cr-1E) 2nd Place Topaz Star (Cr-1T) 3rd Place Quartz Star (Cr-1Q)
Dark greetings, Time to continue this competition in 2015. Every month I count the contributions of the Members to the Fleet. This will be sorted in a rankinglist for every of the 5 sections. Additional to that there will be an overall rankinglist. One high active Member in all 5 sections is able to grab up to 6 awards! Additional to that we have the small ancillary effect that our Fleet increases in level and functionality.
Comp Admin: SWL Pellaeon

Drakonan Duels
Start Date: September 8, 2015
End Date: December 31, 2015
Groups involved: Clan Drakonan
Awards: Each week the top three members with receive a Crescent with Emerald Star for 1st place, a Crescent with Topaz Star for 2nd place, and a Crescent with Quartz Star for 3rd place. At the end of the month the top three members with receive a Crescent with Amethyst Star for 1st place, a Crescent with Sapphire Star for 2nd place, and a Crescent with Emerald Star for 3rd place.
Encompassing all approved EH/DB platforms, you're goal is to participate in as many MP matches as you can, and gain a victory. Clusters of Fire will be tallied at the end of each week and at the end of each month and awards will be issued accordingly. Any Gaming Nights/Events will be included in the totals.
Comp Admin: SBL Crsepe

Sword of Drakonan
Start Date: January 1, 2015
End Date: December 31, 2015
Groups involved: Clan Drakonan
Awards: Each month the top three members with receive a Crescent with Amethyst Star for 1st place, a Crescent with Sapphire Star for 2nd place, and a Crescent with Emerald Star for 3rd place. At the end of the year the top three point scores will receive a Gold Nova, Silver Nova, and Bronze Nova respectively.
A points tracking system that allows everyone to compete in a friendly manner. Points are assigned to specific activities and awards. Each time you complete an activity, you will automatically get the points. At the end of each month the points will be tallied and the leader becomes the "Sword of Drakonan" for the month. You will only hold the title as long as you can keep your fellow Dark Reavers from snatching it away, so you will need to stay on top of the points total or risk losing it the next month.
Comp Admin: SBL Crsepe

DB Trivia
Start Date: January 1, 2015
End Date: December 31, 2015
Groups involved: Dark Brotherhood
Awards: A Legion of the Scholar for each weeks winner. A Quartz, Topaz, Emerald, Sapphire, Amethyst, Ruby and Diamond Crescent will be awarded for every 25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, and 1500 correct answers.
Each week, on Monday thru Friday, I will be sending out a question for any member to answer. Each member that correctly answers will be given 1 point, with the winner earning an extra point. At the end of the week, the points are tallied and the one with the most points will be the winner. On Friday, I will recap the current weeks questions, and everyone will have until 2359 CST on Sunday to turn in their answers. I will then send a report with the answers and the results. *All correct answer numbers/awards will be carried over to any subsequent DB Trivia competitions.
Comp Admin: SBL Crsepe


Start Date: November 9, 2015

End Date: November 30, 2015

Groups involved: Stingray Battle Team

Awards: Each week the top three members with receive a Crescent with Emerald Star for 1st place, a Crescent with Topaz Star for 2nd place, and a Crescent with Quartz Star for 3rd place.

Description: From Monday thru Friday, I will send out a question to the Battle Team. The topic will be always “Know your enemy!”. That means the questions require knowledge of the Jedi. Background is, if you know your enemy well, you will win!

Each answer is counted with 1 point. At the end of the week the points will be summed up and the member with the most points will be the winner.

Comp. Admin: ACO Silvius



Start Date: November 9, 2015

End Date: November 30, 2015

Groups involved: Dark Brotherhood

Awards: Each month the top three members with receive a Crescent with Amethyst Star for 1st place, a Crescent with Sapphire Star for 2nd place, and a Crescent with Emerald Star for 3rd place.

Description: In Star Conflict it is possible to gain medals. Amongst others the medal “First Blood”. Send a screenshot of a victory which shows this medal to me ( cc´ing  the MAA and SWL Pelleaon.

When you send the screenshot via mail use as subject: FIRST BLOOD, so it could be recognized easier. Send so much screens – which fulfill the requirements – as you can. The medals will be summed up and in the end of the month the member with the highest score of medals will be awarded as the winner.

Comp. Admin: ACO Silvius

BTL'S ACTIVITIES (last week)

Mail activity
Mailing list activity
37 CoF
BTL duties


3rd report done. Hope to hear from you soon.
Take part in the competitions and have fun!

In Darkness


BTL/PRT Silvius

Stingray Battle Team/Clan Drakonan



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