Drakonan Report # 129 (2019-08-26)

This report was submitted by SK Earnim Branet


Star Trek Online: Awakening Appears September 10th!

It’s time to return to 2410, Captains. Our multi-part, expansion-over-time that began with Age of Discovery and ended with Rise of Discovery is now complete, and with it we’ve brought a ton of excitement to Star Trek Online. A entirely new faction, a revamped tutorial experience, and six new episodes starring beloved actors Mary Wiseman, Jason Isaacs, and Rehka Sharma brought the story of Star Trek: Discovery to Star Trek Online. We gave experienced players more to do with updates like Random Task Force Operations, Tier 6 Reputations, and Personal Endeavors. And we unleashed the Featured Task Force Operation system, bringing new stories and experiences to our game more often.
Now, we’re moving back to our main setting, the year 2410. And we’re bringing Anthony Rapp with us.
Rapp, known to Star Trek fans as Paul Stamets on Star Trek: Discovery, is the star of our next content update, Star Trek Online: Awakening. During Age of Discovery, players witnessed J’Ula and her Klingon forces steal Mycelial technology, which pulled them forward to the year 2410. Captains must now follow this ruthless Klingon matriarch back to the 25th century to ensure she doesn’t corrupt the entire Mycelial Network in pursuit of her own dangerous agenda. Unfortunately, the insurmountable threat J’Ula poses to the universe also draws out the Elachi, who fear her actions will lead to the destruction of their home planet - and they will stop at nothing to protect it. In order to complete their mission, Captains must rely on the help of an astromycologist expert, a sentient hologram of the legendary Lieutenant Commander Paul Stamets from the U.S.S. Discovery to help them track down J’Ula and repair the tears she’s caused in the fabric of space.
More information here:

2019/2020 Roadmap!

Special STLV Pack Sale!

It’s Star Trek Las Vegas weekend, Captains, and we’re joining in the celebration. With all the amazing news coming out of the convention this weekend, including this morning’s announcement of Star Trek Online: Awakening, we wanted to make sure everyone got a chance to party with us. With that in mind, we’re putting on a brand new sale this weekend! From July 31st at 8am PT – August 5th at 10am PT, you can save 20% on Starter Packs, Expansion Packs, and Ship Bundles on all three platforms! Enjoy the savings, and keep your eyes peeled to Star Trek Online for even more news this weekend!

Bonus Dilithium Weekend!

Star Trek Online is running a special weekend event where you can earn bonus Dilithium Ore by playing content throughout the game! It’s time to hit the drills, Captains! The Dilithium Ore event runs from 8AM PT Thursday, August 1st to 10AM PT Monday, August 5th.
More information here:

Putting the "Temporal" in "Temporal Starships"

We’re excited to announce that we’re making upgrades and changes to some of our ships in an upcoming update, aimed at increasing clarity and player satisfaction with a few sets of starships. For details on these exciting changes, read on!
More information here:

The 2019 Risian Lohlunat Festival!

It is time again for Risa’s annual Lohlunat Festival, and with it some much needed R&R for Captains from all corners of the Milky Way.
From July 2nd to August 15th, the residents of Suraya Bay and the Lobi Crystal Consortium have once again partnered to bring festival participants the highest quality wares. This year’s celebration will launch simultaneously on PC, Xbox and PS4, allowing players of Star Trek Online to get into the summertime spirit regardless of their platform of choice.
This year’s celebration includes the chance to exchange Lohlunat Prize Vouchers (2019) for the updated Risian corvette [T6]! A detailed Dev Blog containing full stats and description for this speedy starship will be published separately, which will also include a brand new ship-related feature that we’re excited to reveal. Don’t blink or you might miss it!
More information here: https://www.arcgames.com/en/games/star-trek-online/news/detail/11190533

Enjoy the game!


- The Pimp the Fleets v7.0 competition will now be carried by SWL Miles Prower. Thanks to DSP Elwood the Brave for their tremendous effort in bringing this important competition so far and thanks and good luck to SWL Miles Prower with this new responsibility.

- New rules to obtain CoF. You need to be in the winning Team of a PvP match and be the best DB pilot of your team.
In addition to that you need to be:
- The Top 1 placed player according to your score (or EFF, or what ever the game calls it) in matches with 3 or less players in each team
- Among the Top 2 placed player according to your score in matches with 4 or 5 players in each team
- Among the Top 3 placed players according to your score in matches with 6 or more players in each team.
In cases where there are more than one player with the same score, the placements among the Top 2 or Top 3 will be determined as in sports events.


Pimp the Fleets V7.0
Start Date: January 1, 2019
End Date: December 31, 2019
Groups involved: All STO playing DB members
Awards: Cr-Q - Cr-D monthly - BN - GN and Cr-E - Cr-D annual
Every month I will calculate the donations every DB member did to the EH ingame fleets in STO. With those donation points I will built up rankinglists for each fleet section and an overall rankinglist for each fleet. Awards will be Cr-E for first, Cr-T for second and Cr-Q for third in each section, Cr-A for first, Cr-R for second and Cr-E for third overall in each fleet.
At the end of the year, based on the amount of donations, there will be an annual rankinglist for each section and one for each fleet. Annual awards for each section will be Cr-A/Cr-S/Cr-E for 1st/2nd/3rd, for the winners in each fleet Cr-D/Cr-R/Cr-A for 1st/2nd/3rd.
To better compare the monthly donations to both fleets, the participants will earn overall points for placement in the section ranking lists, 4 points for first, 3 points for second, 2 points for third and 1 point for all other participants in that section. These overall points will be summed up for each member and a ranking list based on these will be used to crown the overall winner for the month. First place in that ranking list will receive the prestigious Cr-D, second a Cr-R, third a Cr-A.
These donation points will be summed up and put into a rankinglist at the end of the year. The annual winner in this rankinglist will receive a Gold Nova, the second placed a Silver Nova and third a Bronze Nova.
Comp Admin: SWL Miles Prower

More competitions here:



- Position open for applications

BTM SWL Darkfinn (theraineman@gmail.com)
- No contact
- Last STO Activity (04/Jul/19)

BTM SBL Torres (torreseh@tpg.com.au)
- No contact.
- Last STO Activity (24/Apr/19)

BTM SK Jedi Eclipse (jedieclipse@gmail.com)
- No Contact
- Last STO Activity (12/Feb/19)

BTM NOV Xather Rynn (jhoward06@gmail.com)
- GoH activity
- No contact

BTM DSM Exar Kit (oliver.rawlings@rawlingsdesigns.com)
- No contact
- Last STO Activity (03/Jul/19)

BTM PRT Marcus Caine (mrmarcuscaine@gmail.com)
- No contact.
- Last STO Activity (06/May/18)



now streaming star trek GIF by CBS All AccessCurrent KDF Fleet Status:
Fleet Level: 4
- Colony World Level: 0
- Dilithium Mine Level: 0
- Embassy Level: 0
- K-13 Level: 0
- Research Lab Level: 0
- Spire Level: 0
- Starbase Level: 1

star trek enterprise GIFCurrent Federation Fleet Status:
Fleet Level: 54
- Colony World Level: 2
- Dilithium Mine Level: 3
- Embassy Level: 2
- K-13 Level: 1
- Research Lab Level: 2
- Spire Level: 2
- Starbase Level: 4


star trek space GIF

The activities of the 2019 Russian Lohlunat Festival continue. Keep participating for the chance to win the Risian corvette [T6]!
For The Emperor's Hammer!!


CON/SK Earnim Branet/Clan Drakonan/FRG Swift Fury
(SBx3) (GCx8) (SoI) (SoA) (SE-TB) (SN) (BNB) (KS-S) (Cr-D-Rx2-Ax18-Sx6-Ex10-Tx20-Qx25) (CF-G)






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