Drakonan Report # 140 (2020-02-09)

This report was submitted by SK Earnim Branet


Rejoin the Jem'Hadar Recruits!

To coincide with the soon-to-be-announced Dominion-themed additions to our Lifetime Subscription and Veteran Rewards, we have decided to re-run the Gamma Recruitment Event, originally released for a limited time only along the Victory is Life expansion in 2019. Join us in re-visiting the Dominion’s first forays into the Alliance, and re-live their entry into the galactic neighborhood of Star Trek Online.
From October 24th at 9am PT – November 14th at 10am PT, new Dominion captains will be known as Gamma Recruits, and they will be bred with the knowledge and capability needed to defeat even the toughest of threats, save the Dominion, and ensure its future dominance over the Gamma Quadrant.

More information here: https://www.arcgames.com/en/games/star-trek-online/news/detail/11282083

Jem'Hadar Veteran Rewards!

Jem’Hadar Additions to Lifetime Subscriptions
With the upcoming sale on Lifetime Subscriptions, scheduled to start on October 24th, we will be adding new Jem’Hadar-themed rewards to the already-substantial catalogue of offerings that are included with this valuable purchase.
Veterans and Lifetime Subscribers will see each of the following new additions unlocked for all of their Jem’Hadar characters upon the completion of the Dominion Tutorial Experience on those characters.
More information here: https://www.arcgames.com/en/games/star-trek-online/news/detail/11282093


The Kelvin Divergence Lock Box

The Kelvin Divergence Lock Box contains tech from the Kelvin Timeline, often Starfleet field gear and technology from the Altamid aliens encountered by the U.S.S. Franklin, but also more singular objects, slices of lives that might have been. The ship’s crew and her adversaries proved resourceful and flexible, a trait exhibited by the technology they leave for us.
This offering includes two Ships, Space and Ground weapons, several Captain’s Traits, a Starship Trait, Universal Consoles, Bridge Officer Training Manuals, Kit Modules, and Kit Frames. Each box also contains three Trans-Warp Beaming Devices capable of deploying an away team to a faraway planet; the destination is pre-set and cannot be changed, but thankfully is clearly labeled.
The Kelvin Divergence Lock Box contains two familiar yet exotic Grand Prizes: the Kelvin Heavy Destroyer [T6] and the Kelvin Timeline D7 Heavy Destroyer [T6]. In addition, players winning a Grand Prize can select from previous Lock Box entries from the Kelvin Timeline: the Kelvin Timeline Heavy Command Cruiser [T6], the Kelvin Timeline D4x Pilot Bird-of-Prey [T6], and the Kelvin Timeline T’laru Intel Carrier Warbird [T6]. More details about both new ships will be available in a future blog post.
More information here:

2019/2020 Roadmap!

Enjoy the game!


- August and September results for Pimp the Fleets V7.0: DSP Elwood the Brave Cr-E (x5); Cr-T; Cr-R; Cr-A, SK Earnim Branet Cr-T (x2); Cr-Q; Cr-E (x4); Cr-D; Cr-A; Cr-R, SBL Torres Cr-Q, SWL Silvius Cr-E (x2); Cr-T; Cr-A, DSP Pellaeon Cr-T (x2), DSM Exar Kit Cr-T; Cr-Q, GM Tomaas Montte Cr-E, SWL Darkfinn Cr-E; Cr-D; Cr-A, PRT Marcus Caine Cr-T (x2); Cr-A. Congratulations!

- Let's welcome to NOV Mirei Seppen, who joins our Battleteam. We wish him the best of luck, and above all, have a lot of fun in our Brotherhood.

- The Pimp the Fleets v7.0 competition will now be carried by Sk Earnim Branet. We thank SWL Miles Prower for his help and collaboration in carrying out this competition.

- New rules to obtain CoF. You need to be in the winning Team of a PvP match and be the best DB pilot of your team.
In addition to that you need to be:
- The Top 1 placed player according to your score (or EFF, or what ever the game calls it) in matches with 3 or less players in each team
- Among the Top 2 placed player according to your score in matches with 4 or 5 players in each team
- Among the Top 3 placed players according to your score in matches with 6 or more players in each team.
In cases where there are more than one player with the same score, the placements among the Top 2 or Top 3 will be determined as in sports events.


Pimp the Fleets V7.0
Start Date: January 1, 2019
End Date: December 31, 2019
Groups involved: All STO playing DB members
Awards: Cr-Q - Cr-D monthly - BN - GN and Cr-E - Cr-D annual
Every month I will calculate the donations every DB member did to the EH ingame fleets in STO. With those donation points I will built up rankinglists for each fleet section and an overall rankinglist for each fleet. Awards will be Cr-E for first, Cr-T for second and Cr-Q for third in each section, Cr-A for first, Cr-R for second and Cr-E for third overall in each fleet.
At the end of the year, based on the amount of donations, there will be an annual rankinglist for each section and one for each fleet. Annual awards for each section will be Cr-A/Cr-S/Cr-E for 1st/2nd/3rd, for the winners in each fleet Cr-D/Cr-R/Cr-A for 1st/2nd/3rd.
To better compare the monthly donations to both fleets, the participants will earn overall points for placement in the section ranking lists, 4 points for first, 3 points for second, 2 points for third and 1 point for all other participants in that section. These overall points will be summed up for each member and a ranking list based on these will be used to crown the overall winner for the month. First place in that ranking list will receive the prestigious Cr-D, second a Cr-R, third a Cr-A.
These donation points will be summed up and put into a rankinglist at the end of the year. The annual winner in this rankinglist will receive a Gold Nova, the second placed a Silver Nova and third a Bronze Nova.
Comp Admin: SK Earnim Branet

More competitions here:



- Position open for applications

BTM SWL Darkfinn (theraineman@gmail.com)
- No contact
- Last STO Activity (27/Oct/19)

BTM SBL Torres (torreseh@tpg.com.au)
- No contact.
- Last STO Activity (30/Sept/19)

BTM SK Jedi Eclipse (jedieclipse@gmail.com)
- No Contact
- Last STO Activity (12/Feb/19)

BTM NOV Xather Rynn (jhoward06@gmail.com)
- GoH activity
- No contact

BTM DSM Exar Kit (oliver.rawlings@rawlingsdesigns.com)
- E-Mail contact
- Last STO Activity (04/Oct/19)

BTM PRT Marcus Caine (mrmarcuscaine@gmail.com)
- No contact.
- Last STO Activity (29/Sept/19)

 BTM NOV Mirei Seppen (joyeuxsci@yahoo.com)
- E-mail contact.
- Creating new competitions for our brotherhood. (Excellent!)


now streaming star trek GIF by CBS All AccessCurrent KDF Fleet Status:
Fleet Level: 5 (+1)
- Colony World Level: 0
- Dilithium Mine Level: 0
- Embassy Level: 0
- K-13 Level: 0
- Research Lab Level: 0
- Spire Level: 0
- Starbase Level: 1

star trek enterprise GIFCurrent Federation Fleet Status:
Fleet Level: 56 (+2)
- Colony World Level: 2
- Dilithium Mine Level: 3
- Embassy Level: 2
- K-13 Level: 2 (+1)
- Research Lab Level: 2
- Spire Level: 2
- Starbase Level: 4


star trek space GIF

As we mentioned before, now is a good time to get new ships and items taking advantage of the facilities that reputation events give us. Have fun inside STO, have more adventures, and above all help our fleets.

For The Emperor's Hammer!!


CON/SK Earnim Branet/Clan Drakonan/FRG Swift Fury
(SBx3) (GCx8) (SoI) (SoA) (SE-TB) (SN) (BNB) (KS-S) (Cr-D-Rx2-Ax18-Sx6-Ex10-Tx20-Qx25) (CF-G)






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