XvT/XWA Squad Competition on the Zone

CM Ace Pilot

29 August, 1999 21:21
There will be another squad competition taking place on the Zone on Saturday the 4th. It will be for XvT and XWA so everyone can participate! The XvT part will be 1:30-2:30 PM EST. and the XWA will be from 2:30-3:30 PM EST. Both parts will be in Clan Challenges for each game. Please E-mail Commander Ace Pilot if you want to participate. Flag Officers are welcome!

Flight Officer Promoted to Fleet Admiral

GA Ronin

29 August, 1999 15:48
For his outstanding work at maintaining and revising the EH Rosters as well as handling the daunting task of managing www.tiecorps.org, the Fleet Commander (Grand Admiral Ronin) has promoted Admiral Horn to the EH Rank of Fleet Admiral.

Congratulations and thanks for all the hard work!

MIA Check Complete

AD Horn

28 August, 1999 18:48
The Platform Daedalus MIA check is complete. 19 e-mail addresses were invalid.

Back from Leave

AD Horn

28 August, 1999 18:47
Admiral Horn is back from his short leave. All promotion/transfer requests have been taken care of, and things are back to normal.

Short Leave

AD Horn

27 August, 1999 10:23
Admiral Horn will be out of town until tomorrow afternoon. Until then, no promotion/transfer requests will be taken care of. Just hang tight until his return.

EH Ladder Online

HA Kawolski (ret.)

26 August, 1999 23:36
The EH Ladder is back online and hosted on tiecorps.org (under Hosted Sites on the navbar) at: http://ladder.tiecorps.org/

The Ladder runs on the system very similar to the Case's Ladder system and, like the TC Battle Center, requires authentication to submit ladder match reports. This is the first time the new ladder has gone in operation, so if you find any bugs or errors, please report them to: absurefire@aol.com

TC and Training Message Boards online again

HA Kawolski (ret.)

26 August, 1999 18:59

Service has been restored to both message boards.

Daedalus E-Mail Check

AD Horn

26 August, 1999 17:26
Today I sent out a mail to all 549 cadets on Platform Daedalus to check for invalid e-mails. You might notice the membership number dropping sharply as bad e-mail addresses are weeded out.

Sort Feature Enabled

HA Kawolski (ret.)

26 August, 1999 14:37
The TIE Corps Battle Center now can list battles by rating and by number of times the battle has been completed.

TC and Training Message Boards Offline

HA Kawolski (ret.)

26 August, 1999 14:35

SitePowerUp.com seems to have gone offline (hopefully, this is only temporary!). There is no current estimate of when service will be restored at this time.

Emperor's Hammer Ladder to be reactivated

HA Kawolski (ret.)

26 August, 1999 07:42

The new Emperor's Hammer Ladder is undergoing final testing before it is activated for public use! The ladder has a design similar to that of Case's Ladder and will use the TIE Corps Database. Hopefully, the EH Ladder project will be completed within the next 24-48 hours.

Database Downtime...again

HA Kawolski (ret.)

26 August, 1999 01:59

The database will be going offline for in a few minutes to make room for more updates! The estimated total downtime is between 5 to 10 minutes.

TIE Corps Battle Center

HA Kawolski (ret.)

25 August, 1999 15:05
The TIE Corps Battle Center (found under "Hosted Sites") is a new addition to the database that contains a wealth of information about battles. Selecting a completed battle on your personnel profile will show you information about the battle played along with a picture of the medal earned with that battle (if a picture is available).

The biggest addition is the Battle Review System. Pilots and officers, using their Administration Access, can rate battles or free missions they have played on a scale of 0 to 5 and optionally submit their own personal review on the battle.

These are new features and haven't been extensively tested, so report any bugs to absurefire@aol.com. More additions to the Battle Center are in the works, including search and custom sort features.

"Have fun...that's an order!" - Bald Lieutenant dude with the metal hand in Starship Troopers

News page fix

HA Kawolski (ret.)

25 August, 1999 14:23

When the main database goes offline for updates, the news page would sometimes return a server error message. This problem has been fixed.

Planned Downtime

HA Kawolski (ret.)

25 August, 1999 13:39

The TIE Corps database, undergoing yet another update, will be offline from 2pm EST to 2:15pm EST.

EH Codex Assignments

FA Telf

24 August, 1999 23:30
If you are working on ANY assignments for the EH Codex, they are due IMMEDIATELY, please. It is imperative that the Recon Office get these assignments (ESPECIALLY Command Staff History) as soon as possible. We're hoping to launch the site within the next two weeks, and we need all assignments now.

All Perl programmers are asked to email the RO for a few survey-type questions and a small project.

ROA and CA:RO applications WILL be accepted sometime soon. Please do not send them until they are requested. The RO will probably release that information in a report.


HA Kawolski (ret.)

24 August, 1999 19:15

Battle Submission Forms no longer require you to look up a person's personnel record to fill one out.

Database Testing

HA Kawolski (ret.)

24 August, 1999 14:06

The database will currently be going up and down over the next hour while I test a few new scripts and features.

Free Missions!

HA Kawolski (ret.)

23 August, 1999 21:21
Hi everyone! Now that I've recently purchased a copy of MS Office 2000 Professional and VB Studio (for $5 each...gotta love the MSCA) AND have them both running on my new computer, I can get back to work on making database updates every now and then.

Just today, I completed adding support for submitting BSFs for Free Missions. I just wanted to make something clear, though. If the Free Mission isn't in the database, you can't receive official credit for it! The Free Mission listing has come straight from the Tactical Office's Mission Compendium. New missions will be added to the TIE Corps database as they are approved and become available for download by the Tactical Office.

If you have any suggestions for future improvements on the database, encounter any problems using the database, or have an idea or feature you'd like to see put in, let me know via e-mail at absurefire@aol.com!

Flight Office Report #6 released

AD Horn

23 August, 1999 10:49
Admiral Horn has released Flight Office Report #6 to the Fleet. TIE Corps membership stands at 1152 members today.

CA:FO2 Resigns -- Position Closed

AD Horn

23 August, 1999 10:25
With the recent resignation of Vice Admiral Tim, the Flight Officer, Admiral Horn, has decided to close the position of CA:FO2 until further notice.

Second Training Office Competition Concludes

FA Astatine

23 August, 1999 03:01
The second training office competition has finished and the winners tabulated. Listed below are the winners of their respective categories:

TIE XWA Fiction
1st FM/CM Gray/Omega CMDR/LC Kaye/Raptor BGCOM/VA Kyle Kessler
2nd FL/CM Timbal/Shin COM/RA Sarok CMDR/CM Ricaud/Mu
3rd FM-TACA-ROA/COL Fireclaw/Beta FL/COL Volht/Raptor FL/LCM Dave/Lamed
FL/LCM Jesseb Skyrauch/Samekh
WC/GN Gallows/Wing II

Full details are availabe at http://to.dotau.net/comp-2-results.htm Participation was approximately 5% of the TIE Corps membership.

If you have a suggestion for a new addition, or improvement, for the Training Competitions, email the Training Officer at jpboyce@ultra.net.au. TO comp #3 is currently set for a September 1st release date.

New Battle Board

VA Striker

22 August, 1999 17:17
The new Battle Board has been posted this week-end at http://narsissi.tky.hut.fi:81/dev/bb/. Please review the modalities of high-score reporting on the page. Already 80 new High-scores updated!

LO Page has Moved

VA Zsinj

21 August, 1999 20:16
The Logistics Office page has been moved and has been posted with up todate info at http://logisticsoffice.8m.com. The File Archive is as up todate as possible.

TIE Corps Largest Group in EH!

AD Horn

18 August, 1999 10:19

Today, the TIE Corps has become the largest group in the Emperor's Hammer at 1,120 members!

Immortal COM selected

VA Kessler

17 August, 1999 23:37
After reviewing applications from close to a dozen highly qualified officers, I today selected WC/Major Marc/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard to replace the outgoing COM - Rear Admiral Tron. Major Marc is hereby promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral and takes command of the ISD Immortal effective immediately. Congratulations Rear Admiral, and thanks to everyone who applied.

tiecorps.org blackouts

AD Horn

17 August, 1999 15:29

The Domain has been having sparatic times of being dead every once in a while. They usually range from 5-30 minutes of not being able to connect, please bare with me...

tiecorps.org fixed

AD Horn

16 August, 1999 18:06

The problems on the TIE Corps Domain have been fixed, for now. All promotion/transfer requests sitting in my inbox have been taken care of! Finally! :)

tiecorps.org problems

AD Horn

15 August, 1999 23:34

The TIE Corps Domain has been having some problems processing the scripts that, well, run the site. Hopefully the provider will have things fixed soon. Until then, please be patient as requests may not be processed as quickly. Oh no! Not like the old days! :P

NL #55 Released

VA Tron

15 August, 1999 14:08
As has already been mentioned and as has been noted on the EH Domain page, NL 55 has been released. It can be downloaded at: http://members.aol.com/garonin/hammer55.exe

Thanks for all of your submissions and making this one of the biggest in a long time.

Immortal COM Position Open

VA Kessler

14 August, 1999 12:44
Due to pressures of work within other Subgroups and Real Life demands, Rear Admiral Daavak Tron of the ISD Immortal today announced his resignation from the Commodore position. He will assume a Flight Member's position in a Squadron of his choice with the rank of Colonel.

This unfortunate turn of events means that I am currently accepting applications for a suitably qualified new Commodore of the ISD Immortal. Interested applicants should provide a resumé of their EH career to date, and include the email addresses ONLY of personnel they wish to list as references. Previous Command experience is desirable, but is not necessary.

All applications should be addressed to kessler@dial.pipex.com


VA StarLion

13 August, 1999 12:02
While i'm up here making announcements...

Commander Ace Pilot is having his Squadron Competition Saturday, August 14th, from 1 PM to 3 PM on the MSN Gaming Zone , in the room Clan Challenges.

He anticipates a good turn out, and so far over 15 squadrons have signed up to participate.

Good luck to all Squadrons, and Thanks in advance to the members of Odin Squadron who are helping to run this competition.


VA StarLion

13 August, 1999 11:44

The EH Internal XWA Competition has changed slightly:

We will now meet in the room "Clan Challenges".
Thanks to Lieutenant Kircheis Tychsen, we have a new way of calculating the winners.
The time will REMAIN 1 PM to 2:30 PM EST. I'm still sorting out a few things that would get in the way of extending it either way.

These changes come into effect as of, and including,the 15th.

Outer Rim Expansion

VA StarLion

13 August, 1999 11:29

Outer Rim Melee Night is expanding to include XWA. Details below:

Description: Outer Rim Melee Night, XWA Expansion
Game Platform: X-Wing Alliance
Time: Saturdays - 5:00 PM EST to 7:00 PM EST
Meeting Room: IRC
Server: Undernet - us.undernet.org
Channel: #EHvsRS

Matches will be made and scored through Tiark, as usuall.
All pilots with XWA are encouraged to attend and help start the competition with a win.

Challenge COM Promoted

AD Horn

12 August, 1999 00:08
Upon the recommendation from Major Nightflyer, Commander of Tempest Squadron, Rear Admiral Torres has been promoted to the rank of Vice Admiral. Congratulations to him!

Mailing list feature update

AD Horn

11 August, 1999 00:47

I've updated the mailing list feature to add squadron lists for WCs. Now a WC can get a mailing list for an individual squadron or for their full wing!

Database function fixed

AD Horn

10 August, 1999 00:42
As noted in Flight Office Report #4, there was a problem with the mailing list function for Flag Officers. If you had a STAFF position, it didn't read your real flag position within the TC. That has since been fixed! If you find anymore problems, please let Admiral Horn know.

Flight Office Report #4 released

AD Horn

09 August, 1999 18:18
Admiral Horn has released Flight Office Report #4 to the Fleet. TIE Corps membership stands at 1108 members today.

Because of an error with America Online, all members received 3 copies of the report. Hopefully it will be fixed next time.

Outer Rim Night (8/7/99) - EH Wins

VA StarLion

08 August, 1999 19:27

EH 12 | RS 10 | TIE 1 - RS WIN
Current Results: EH - 6 | RS - 6 | Ties - 1

The Matches are tied, and we hope for a win next week to take the lead.

AOL's Song of the Century

SA Compton

06 August, 1999 23:34
They're taking nominations right now. I just started a folder for the Imperial March. It's WAY down the list if you follow the link. I think if we get the Fleet's AOL members, we can at least get the song nominated. Here's the AOL location:


That'll take ya straight to the folder. Tell your friends!

Mailing List Feature Added

AD Horn

06 August, 1999 16:14
As you may have noticed, if you are a WC, COM, or BGCOM and have logged into the TC database, the new mailing list function has been added! Login using the Administration function of the TC database and click on the Mailing Lists button. A list of all mailing lists available to you will appear on the next page! I would like to thank Rear Admiral Zoraan for the idea!

Direct any questions toward Admiral Horn.

New Database feature...

AD Horn

05 August, 1999 23:54
Within the next few days, a new feature will be added to the database for WCs, COMs, and BGCOMs. It is an on the fly mailing list generator. WCs will be able to get a mailing list for their wing, COMs for their ship or a certain wing, and BGCOMs for a certain ship or the full battlegroup! This idea was first brought up by Rear Admiral Zoraan. Look for more details coming soon!

EH Poll Updates

AD Manesh

04 August, 1999 14:17
I'd like to remind everyone that EH Polls #27, #28, #29, and #30 are currently open. With a new look, the EH Polling Center can be found at http://members.xoom.com/Manesh/ehpoll.htm. And I'm actively looking for new EH Poll ideas, if you have them, please email them to me.

A New Competition

VA StarLion

03 August, 1999 22:01
Commander Ace Pilot is organizing a competition for all EH Squadrons, using XvT on the Zone!

The Competition will be held on Saturday, August 14th, on the MSN Internet Gaming Zone, in the room Clan Challenges.

Squadron CMDRs should email Commander Ace Pilot to sign up and get more information.

Outer Rim Night (7/31/99) - RS Wins

VA StarLion

03 August, 1999 21:24

EH 19 | RS 22 | TIE 2 - RS WIN
Current Results: EH - 5 | RS - 7 | Ties - 0

All LoC's have been awarded, if you think you're missing a LoC from THIS week (Not last week), email Vice Admiral StarLion

Flight Office Report #3 released

AD Horn

03 August, 1999 17:16
Admiral Horn has released Flight Office Report #3 to the Fleet. TIE Corps membership stands at 1076 members today.

Correct ID Line Display

AD Horn

03 August, 1999 16:47
Quick tip of the day:

You can find the correct way to show the medals on your id line by going to Personnel Search and looking up your own record! The medals are listed correctly directly below your id line(s).

Admiral Horn Returns

AD Horn

02 August, 1999 01:26
After a week long vacation, Flight Officer Admiral Horn has returned to active duty. While he was away, Vice Admiral Eric did an EXCELLENT job as Acting FO! Keep up the great work!

Best Movie Poll

FA Telf

01 August, 1999 20:15
All members of the EH who are on AOL are urged to go to the following link and vote Star Wars the best movie of all time. Currently, SW is only a little behind Gone With the Wind...let's see if the EH can change that, eh?

Best of the Century