Imperial Storm - Turn 3

HA Priyum Patel

31 May, 2005 08:47
13 ABY

Turn 3 in the war-game is now complete with no major events taking place. This is the first turn Teams have been awarded Victory Points for controlling planets. The standings currently are:

Sovereign: 8
ASF: 4
ATF: 3
Sith: 3
TCBGs: 2

All information can be found on the War Office site including all the latest casualties and past mission files.


New XWA missions!

AD Frodo

29 May, 2005 16:58
13 ABY

XWA Free 118 and XWA Free 119 have been released at a mission compendium near you!

COMMA Open to Applications

AD Joey C

28 May, 2005 20:27
13 ABY

Due to RL constraints, I have fallen behind in my duties to the point where even I am appalled :P

To this end, I am opening up the position of COMMA to applications from applicants willing to apply.

All applicants that apply must be willing to perform the following duties.

  • Updating the moderators on the Message Boards
  • Keeping the COMM website up to date
  • Working with the COMM... that's right... it's not as easy as it sounds!
  • Any other duties I feel like foisting off onto you

You of course will be rewarded for your efforts... *opens his spare barrel of COMM cookies*
All applicants should send their applications to with the subject "The cookie told me to!"

That's all for now, unless I think of something else

Imperial Storm - Battle Results

HA Priyum Patel

28 May, 2005 07:20
13 ABY

The results are finally in for the Battles that took place at the end of Turn 1 -

The ASF was beaten by the Sith Fleet, who now claim the planet of Ryloth. The Sith SP scores were also higher than the ASF, so they get to save 600 points worth of ships lost in the XWA MP battle. The highest TIE scoring Sith pilot was Zethy and the highest XvT scoring Sith pilot was Gidda. On the ASF side, the highest TIE scorer was Blackrage, who also scored the highest for XvT.

In the other battle, the Sovereign claimed victory over the TCBG, but only after suffering heavy losses themselves. For their pains, they have now captured the planet of Mon Calamari. The TCBG scored higher in the SP averages and so may now save 520 points from their otherwised destroyed Fleet. The highest TIE scoring Sov pilot was Tempest. For the TCBG, it was Landeux on both platforms.

Turn 2 was relatively quiet with planets being captured and pacified, and Fleets tending to their wounds. The game continues...

Freeworlds - Training Days

HA Priyum Patel

28 May, 2005 06:28
13 ABY
The Empire will be holding regular training sessions each week on Sundays at 10PM GMT / 5PM EST. The place will be Bastion Planet. Each week will have a different theme to it - capship killing, escort, transport docking etc.

If you do attend, please email ( me your name so I can put you up for Legions of Combat.

[TO] FLEET COMP and New Course

AD Stuart

27 May, 2005 00:33
13 ABY
Fleetwide Competition:
I would like to remind everyone of the FLEET WIDE Education competition running for the next 7 weeks.  *MANY* medals are available to be won ranging from IS-BR to IS-PR and you are not competing against other people to get them!  (Work together... hint hint)  Details and *HINTS* for this competition can be found here:

New Course:
I would like to announce that the NEW TAC course to replace XTM/2, TT/2, TACS, will be released shortly!!  Stay tuned to the TO report, and for news!

TAC Staff Openings

AD Frodo

26 May, 2005 21:38
13 ABY

Oh yay! Its that time again, I'm taking applications for TAC staff.  The following positions are open, their requirements are listed underneath.

XvT, XWA, and TIE TCS (Beta Tester)

-Good knowledge of the three platforms mentioned above.

-Willing to pass IWATS MCBS when it is released (Grr...Stu! :P)

-Able to complete 3 assignements ranging from 1 to 8+ missions within two weeks.

I will be looking for about 3 or 4 more Testers, I'd like them to be VERY active this time.  Remember that it isn't just a reason to bloat your ID line, I make sure that you only get the ID line addition if you deserve it.  Also, its the number one way to become a tactician, which corrects battles.

Applications go to AD Frodo March ( and VA Master ( with the subject "I want to be a TAC lackey!"

Thank you!

Some New Frees

AD Frodo

26 May, 2005 21:13
13 ABY

XvT Free 189, XvT Free 190, XvT Free 191 and BoP Free 34 have been released! Check them out at a mission compendium near you!

Any betatest files can be sent to me for processing!

COO Open for Applications

SA Khameir Sarin

23 May, 2005 15:27
13 ABY


The Combat Operations Officer is responsible for creating, organizing, supervising, awarding, and promoting all multiplayer gaming in the Emperor's Hammer.  The minimum duty of the office is to provide a multiplayer gaming experience for every member of the Emperor's Hammer that desires this form of entertainment. 

Selection Criteria - Essential

1.  An outstanding understanding of all Star Wars Multiplayer Gaming Platforms.  In particular XVT/XWA/JO/JA/FW/BF/RC.

2.  An outstanding understanding of the Battlestats website and Week of War competitions.

3.  Experience at some command level

4.  Good written communications skills. 

5.  Fast email response time

6.  The ability to work with a wide range of EH personnel, including the Executive Officer and the Fleet Commander

Selection Criteria - Desirable

1.  Proven experience in running multiple competitions simultaneously

2.  Familiarity with the EH Ladder System and 24/7 LoC submission form

Initial Work Plan

1.  Draft a initial plan of action for when you take over the position of COO.  What competitions (internal and extenral) do you plan on creating, what competitions will you revise, and what will be your main focus upon assumption of the position of COO.

Addressing the Selection Criteria

When addressing the selection criteria, you must supply supporting evidence to back up your claim of meeting the criteria. A generally accepted model is the STAR model, where you outline a Situation, Task, Action and Resolution relating to the criteria. You should meet at least the essential criteria to be considered for the position. 


You must include at least three (3) references in your application. At least one must be a current or former superior (preferably current). Ensure you have their permission first. If it is found out that you have used someone's name without their permission, your application will be disqualified.

Performance Management

Performance will be evaluated in a number of key areas. These include submission of reports, number of complaints from members, online conduct, achieving tasks and duties outlined in the Training Manual, as well as tasks outlined in the EH Tasks List for this position. Above average performance will be rewarded, while below average performance, if continual, will result in removal from the position.

Submitting Your Application

Applications should be directed to the Fleet Commander ( and Executive Officer ( with the subject "Application for COO". The application should include your response to the selection criteria and other relevant details, such as your ID line and contact details.

Imperial Storm - Turn One Battles

HA Priyum Patel

23 May, 2005 09:59
13 ABY
 It's only the end of Turn One and we already have two battles to play out in Imperial Storm! Fleets have arrived in orbit around several planets in a bid to capture them for vital victory points. For full details please go here

The MP XWA Battle will be taking place on Wednesday 25th May at 10PM GMT / 5PM EST in #isd_predator. The above link also has the single-player XvT and TIE Mission files along with instructions on how to submit them. Remember that every pilot can influence the survival or destruction of his or her Fleet!

Do NOT use

FA Ender mBind

22 May, 2005 20:09
13 ABY

Since we have lost access to the SCO site at over a month ago and because it does not seem as if we will regain it any time soon, the site is basically discontinued. This means files there are outdated, which in turn means you may encounter bugs that have already been resolved or download files that have been replaced all together - causing compatibility problems.

So for as long as remains operational, please use

Operation Anteater Status: Complete

AD Frodo

22 May, 2005 15:48
13 ABY

It is with great pride and joy that I hereby announce that Operation Anteater is complete! There is only one remaining bug report on the mission compendium for XW-CD 1, but that perticular bug will be fixed momentarily, and I count it more as a flaw with the betatesting staff than anything else.

I would like to thank the Anteater staff that worked tirelessly on this project, they are the following:

AD Frodo March - XvT/BoP/TIE/XWA tactician, worked countless bugs

VA Master - XWA tactician, fixed nearly 90% of the XWA bugs

VA Locke Setzer - TIE/XW tactician, worked out about 75% of the TIE bugs.

VA Gidda - Some help with fixing up the XWA bugs

MAJ Deimos - Validated many, many bugs in the XWA section.

CM Brukhar - Some on demand work for the XvT and TIE departments

LC Apophis Kuma - A bit of help in the TIE department

Medals were recommended for all of these fine gentlemen.  I'd also like to thank all of the membership of the Emperor's Hammer for posting bugs, because if you guys didn't find the bugs, then we wouldn't know what to fix!

Also... I've noticed that usually these projects are fruitless, as in, we fix all the bugs, and then sit on our bums and watch for another few years and make another project like this one.  That is the old way, as of this day, May 22nd 2005, I proclaim that my TAC staff and I will NEVER let bugs plague our mission compendium again.  AS OF NOW, EVERY BUG THAT IS REPORTED WILL BE INVESTIGATED, AND CORRECTED IF NEEDED WITHIN TWO WEEKS.  Within two weeks, if you do not receive e-mail notification that the bug was fixed, or that the report was ignored within two weeks then...I don't know, because its not going to happen.

Once again, thanks to the staff, you've done some excellent work!

Appications being accepted for FO:CA

HA Cyric

21 May, 2005 12:40
13 ABY

With the promotion of Sarin to XO, I am looking for a new CA for the Flight Office. Since I've decided not to appoint any FOA's at this time, the duties of my CA, though a bit easy in my eyes, are very important to the TC.


Good e-mail response time, with in 24 hours
Absolutely NO HCI/SO Convicitons
Have taken SM/3
Have a good working knowledge of the TC systems, protocols, and guidlines
Able to fill in duties for FO when FO is unavailable (Which is rare)
Able to play nice with others


Organize and maintain a report schedule for all TC reports
Able to run the TC meeting weekly in my absence. (Often)
Able to perform database entries such as recruits, CTs and placements (Will be taught)
Anything else I decide

I am looking for a highly motivated individual who would in essence be groomed for the FO should I leave, retire or die in office. My preferences would be that the individual have held at least a WC spot or great, however, I will honor any application that comes to me.

When applying Have CA Application in the subject header.

Mega Awards and New XO announced!

HA Cyric

21 May, 2005 12:32
13 ABY

Ok so the EH Meeting produced some incredible news (consider the author of this post for self agrandizing :))

The new XO of the EH is SA Sarin
The FO was promoted to SA and received an MOH
SDIR Aseret promoted to Fleet Admiral
OPS Yoda promoted to Full Admiral
Demerzel gets a Gold Star

Congrats to all!

Imperial Storm Starts!

HA Priyum Patel

21 May, 2005 10:08
13 ABY
Today marks Turn 1 of Imperial Storm and orders from each of the five teams have been processed. Given my...uh, Gods-Eye-View of the proceedings, I can safely say that Pilots should expect some battles very soon!

FW: Territorial Engagement

HA Priyum Patel

21 May, 2005 06:41
13 ABY
All - there is a Territorial Engagement scheduled for tonight. The devious Disac Pirates will be attacking two of our bases in Bilbringi: Sienar Shipyards and the Imperial Sector Command. The TE is on for 8PM GMT / 3PM EST. For the password, either refer to my internal email or ask myself or another FW player.

Please make sure you're on IRC and Teamspeak (if possible) in good time to receive groupings and orders. Remember that participation in these TEs is not only a good way to earn LoCs, but is also important to improving the EH's status on the server. Hope to see you there.

New XWA Releases!

AD Frodo

20 May, 2005 20:47
13 ABY

As promised in last week's report, I have some XWA releases for you!

Enjoy flying XWA TC 47 and XWA Free 117! Available at the Emperor's Hammer Battle Centre!

Any Alpha or Beta testing files for these two can be sent directly to me.

Corporate Division Site

AD Khadgar

20 May, 2005 19:44
13 ABY

For those of you having trouble reaching, please use the following temporary fix: Add this line to your "hosts" (c:/windows/system32/drivers/etc is probably the location for Windows users) file -

Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.

Imperial Storm - Empire Ablaze

HA Priyum Patel

20 May, 2005 08:23
13 ABY
Tomorrow marks the start of the TIE Corps' latest Imperial Storm wargame - "Empire Ablaze". The war-game is set to be the most exciting and all-encompassing in EH history. We have teams formed from the 4 Battlegroups, as well as a team combined from the DB's Sith and Infiltrator Wing pilots. As soon as the game starts, you should receive periodic updates from your commanding officers. In addition, I'll be posting major events and news on this new page. I expect battles to be frequent - anyone with TIE, XvT or XWA will be able to participate and ensure their team's domination. As always, awards will be given to all participants at every level.


Those of you intending to fly XWA should make sure you have the "All Flyable Ships" thing installed. You can download it from here. Just put it in your XWA root folder.

New survey up!

GA Astatine

20 May, 2005 06:42
13 ABY

I've added a new survey relating to Revenge of the Sith.  Login and cast your vote for it!

Something to do


17 May, 2005 22:32
13 ABY

Well, nothing much seems to be happening. I've got no CO to report to as A:CO, so I'm going to do some things.

If anyone has things in particular they'd like to see- a JA/JO comp, a Republic Command comp, anything like that, anything like that- email me and I'll organise something.

But not until I know people are interested... so, any takers?

New ISD Intrepid Chosen!

HA Cyric

17 May, 2005 13:34
13 ABY

After a lengthy search, VA Gidda reports that he has chosen AD Adren Silvori as the new ISD Intrepid COM. AD Adren Silvori brings great experience and knowledge to the Intrepid after having first served in various TC and IW positions along with being a former IWCOM.

Congrats Silvori!

[TO] GET MEDALS! and new PROFs

AD Stuart

16 May, 2005 01:07
13 ABY
Congratz to IO Lenvik and CMDR Jarek La'an on their appointments to mIRC scripting and TIE Tactics respectively.

Now... Time for your chance to make some medals.

Once per week, I will be choosing an IWATS course, ANYONE who completes that IWATS Course during that specific week will get an IS-BR.
Also, if you complete at least 2 of 4 IWATS courses selected every 4 weeks at any point during those 4 weeks, you will get an IS-SR in addition to any IS-BRs you may have obtained from completing a course in the appropriate week. Anyone who completes all 4 IWATS courses at any point during that 4 week period will receive an IS-GR in addition to any IS-BRs obtained from completing a course in the appropriate week. Course will not be repeated during each 4 week period, however, they may be reused in subsequent 4 week periods. The course selections will not be made public until the end of each 4 week period HOWEVER the amount of IS-BRs and IS-SRs that have currently been obtained will be released during the 4 week period. Get your academic caps and magnifying glasses out people and get ready to earn some medals! A final note, if anyone is able to get an IS-GR 2 4-week periods in a row AND/OR a total of 4 or more IS-BRs, they will ALSO receive an IS-PR!

IWATS courses can be taken at

Iron Mission Creation Results!

AD Frodo

15 May, 2005 16:14
13 ABY

The Medals have been recommended for the competition and the flying challenge, the missions have been released as TIE Free 256 and XvT Free 188. This round was by far the tightest I've ever had to judge, and it was quite magnificent to fly those two frees...I suggest you all have a look.

I graded on if it was bugless, if it was well designed, and it had to go down to Plotline.  I chose the Iron Mission Creator because he accentuated the plotline better then his opponent.  Without further useless waiting, I proclaim CPT Daar Skeloria the IRON MISSION CREATOR. He will face the Tactical Officer next week end.

The Winners of last week's flying challenge were COL TK-7764 and LT Blackrage, an IS-BW is heading their way.

I am still looking for Judges for next week's last IMC match between AD Frodo March and CPT Daar Skeloria.  Criteria are listed on my previous news post.

Congratulations to all participants! And Congrats to CPT Skeloria!

GOE for COL Wemmel

GA Astatine

15 May, 2005 13:59
13 ABY

For his work at Celebration 3, COL Jan Wemmel has been awarded the Grand Order of the Emperor.  Congratulations!For his work at Celebration 3, COL Jan Wemmel has been awarded the Grand Order of the Emperor.  Congratulations!

Iron Mission Creation Update

AD Frodo

14 May, 2005 19:27
13 ABY

Sunday May 15th at 1300hrs EST is the Iron Mission Creation FINAL in #TAC!  Come and attend in big numbers and see CPT Daar Skeloria Vs. CM Fahrer!

Also, I will need 3 Impartial Judges for Next week's Match between the Iron Mission Creator and the Tactical Officer.  Basically those three judges will have to do 3 things:

-Attend the IMC Match between the Champion of the IMC final and the TAC, Next Saturday.

-Work together with the other judges to think of a free mission plotline that will be used for the match.

-Fly the 2 missions that will be made, and judge which is best in collaboration with the other judges.

These judges must be absolutely impartial, absolutely anybody can apply, as long as you own XvT, XWA and TIE.  Send applications to !

AND Finally...

I am going to award the Palpatine Crescent to the pilot who submits the most battles and free missions to the Tactical Office in the month of May! Mission Creators! Get to your Editors!

Good luck to all!

New Battle Releases!

AD Frodo

14 May, 2005 18:31
13 ABY

XvT TC 113, XvT TC 114, and XvT TC 115 have been released at a mission compendium near you!


I'd also like to adress a small issue regarding the Emperor's Hammer Battle Launcher.  I'd just like to remind everybody that it is STRICTLY ILLEGAL to attempt to access the missions of the EH Mission compendium without prior consent of the Tactical Officer.

In english that means that you're not allowed to look at missions with Mission Editors, or fix them with the mission editor unless the TAC tells you to. 

If theres a problem with the mission, post a bug report...I'm here for a reason guys. (To fix those bugs).

SquadFirst+ 2.0.5 Released

VA Lenvik

13 May, 2005 11:39
13 ABY
After an extended period without any activity, a new version of SquadFirst+ has been released.

This fixes several issues with the software, most prominently fixing the roster links, quick links and the CoCs link.  It also adds an easy-to-use form to submit sites for the EH IO Links Database.

SquadFirst's new homepage is located at


AD Joey C

12 May, 2005 23:59
13 ABY


I wanted to take this opportunity to apologise to those on the Message Boards who asked for a TC or DB board, and didn't receive one.  All requests for boards have been followed up on, and moderators will be assigned shortly.

My apologies for the delay. My super-COMM powers alone can't battle the effects of school. :P

FA and MoH for the RO

GA Astatine

11 May, 2005 16:39
13 ABY

For his preperation works leading up to Celebration 3, the Reconn Officer has been promoted to Fleet Admiral. This is a long overdue promotion for him and he thoroughly deserves it. For the outstanding success of the Celebration 3 effort, including all the new Honourary members and the interviews and general publicity, Joe has been awarded the Medal of Honor. Congratulations.

Sovereign Nighthawk Event

FA Khameir Sarin

10 May, 2005 13:40
13 ABY

Starting Wenesday, May 11th:
Sovereign Nighthawk Multiplayer Night
Players fight each other for dominance and medals in #ehcoc on mIRC!

Rules: Standard matches are flown (5/5 hosting, 10 minutes)  Each MP victory is an LoC.  DFCs awarded as per COO regulations.  3 points for win, 1 point for loss.

Player with most points wins IS-GW, 2nd IS-SW.  Run Wenesday Nights from 4-6 PM CST. 

Hope to see you there!

Iron Mission Creator Semi Final Results!

AD Frodo

08 May, 2005 17:57
13 ABY

CM Fahrer and CPT Daar Skeloria will be meeting next Sunday at 1300hrs EST in #TAC for the Iron Mission Creation Finals! Which means they won their respective matches! Congratulations.

Along with that, XvT Free 186, XvT Free 187, and TIE Free 255 have been released.

The High Score Holder of TIE Free 255 and XvT Free 187 by next sunday will receive the IS-BW or SW!

Good luck to our Finalists, and good luck for the flying challenge!

[TO] Training Manual Location

AD Stuart

08 May, 2005 16:15
13 ABY
Many links are inaccurate (ones under my control will be updated, other Command Staffers please check to see yours are as well). The Training Office and manual are NOT located on minos. The proper links are as follows:
Training Office / IWATS

Training Manual:

Recommending Medals!

VA Pickled Yoda

06 May, 2005 23:36
13 ABY
As per my OPS report (which I know you all read....), I need to see quantitative data in medal requests. Do not just say "High Activity" or "Lots of flying" or even "has flown his arse". Do not just say "participated in competitions". I need to see quantitative data, which means that I want to know how many missions/battles they flew, and what IWATS courses they took, etc. With competitions, I want to know what the competition was, and what they did in that competition.

Additionally, refresh your memory on what medals can and cannot be recommened for by reading the Operations Manual - Here

New Battles and Mission!

AD Frodo

06 May, 2005 21:56
13 ABY

XvT DB-14 and BoP TC-25 have been released!

On a more...SWGB note, SWGB-DIR 3, SWGB-DIR 4, and SWGB-FREE 3 have also been released! All this and more at your local mission compendium.

Any pilot files used for beta testing can be sent to myself.

Also, Tomorow at 1300hrs EST is the IMC Semi Finals.  Show up in #TAC to see the major confrontation!

Vacant Commander Positions

HA Cyric

06 May, 2005 13:51
13 ABY

I'd like to point out that there are quite a few Commander Positions vacant at present time. If you are interested and have what it takes contact the WC of the squadron you are interested in becoming commander for.

These positions are the first step in making WC and the highly coveted COM spots.

Wing VIII - ISD Colossus

Nu Squadron
Eta Squadron

Wing XIII - ISD Grey Wolf

Vortex Squadron (ASF)
Odin Squadron (ASF)
Valkyrie Squadron (ASF)

Wing XIV - ISD Intrepid

Asp Squadron (ASF)

Wing XV - ISD Vanguard

Hornet Squadron (ASF)

Wing XVIII - SSD Avenger

Wraith Squadron

TCCOM's OWN escort squadron banner chosen

HA Cyric

04 May, 2005 08:32
13 ABY

I have selected the new TCCOM's Own Escort Squadron Banner and it can be viewed on the FO website.

Winners of the comp are:

LT. Katherine Flyer  IS-GR


LC Archangel IS-BR

Thanks to everyone who submitted Graphics, it was very difficult to judge!

New ISD Colossus COM chosen

HA Cyric

03 May, 2005 08:36
13 ABY

Congrats to RA Daniel Goad on being named the new ISD Colossus COM!

New WING XIII WC Chosen!

HA Cyric

03 May, 2005 08:29
13 ABY

LC Ambar Kilick has been chosen as the new Wing XIII WC! Congrats!

ATF Competition completed!

HA Cyric

02 May, 2005 09:34
13 ABY

Here are the final results of BG COMs Judgement April 2005


?ATF BG COM?s Own April 2005? ? Wing XIX


?ATF Squadron of the Month April 2005? ? Trapper Squadron


?ATF Pilot of the Month April 2005? ? Mouse Droid


Wing XVIII Changes

HA Cyric

02 May, 2005 09:32
13 ABY

Col Andrijias has stepped back as WC of Wing XVIII due to RL issues. The entire ATF is thankful to Andrijas for his great work and dedication he put into the Wing and BG. New WC will be Aurelius Erasmus  who is a long serving officer in the wing. We are sure he will continue the work that Andrijas has started there

ISD Intrepid open for applications

HA Cyric

02 May, 2005 09:21
13 ABY

The position of Commodore aboard of the ISD Intrepid is open for applications. Mandatory requirements are as follow:

- Previous experience at the level of Wing Commander or above.
- Good knowledge of the XvT/XWA platforms and multiplayer.
- SM/3 and WM courses passed with a good score.
- Quick email response time (no more than 2 days).

Submit your applications to VA Gidda with the subject "Intrepid COM".
Applicants are expected to submit me a detailed plan and list of goals
for the Intrepid and if they want they may use one of their current
superior Officers (even in another SG) as reference.

IMC Match moved

AD Frodo

01 May, 2005 15:25
13 ABY

Due to circumstances beyond my control I am forced to move todays IMC Semi final match to next saturday, at the same time as the match between CM Fahrer and VA Locke.

More information on this will be supplied to the pilots soon.

However, the flying challenge did end today, LT Blackrage has taken the high score and will be awarded the IS-BW! Congratulations!

ISD Colossus open for applications

HA Cyric

01 May, 2005 13:43
13 ABY

Must have completed SM/3
Must have served either a full tour of duty as a WC, or two as a CMDR.
Must be able to work with a wide range of people from FMs to CS
Must be able to concieve and implement new and exciting Ship competitions


Detailed plans for competitions and activities
Knowledge of a COM's duties
Applications will remain open until a suitable candidate is found.

Please send all apps to AD Bubba X