Grand Moff on Leave

Czulvang Lah

31 July, 2007 04:00
15 ABY

I will be on leave Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Deputy Grand Moff Defast will be in command of the Directorate.

I have already set him as PROF on all DGA Courses so he will receive notifcations when exams are submitted. He will be processing any transfers, competitions, etc. that come up.

I'll be back Friday.

July Awards

31 July, 2007 04:00
15 ABY

The following Governors have shown excellent and consistant activity for the month of July, and have each been awarded the Star of Domination.

GG/VSC Farrin Xies/Ghenna
LG/HNR Sam Rajax/Osiris

Congratulations to both!

Grand Moff Report

Czulvang Lah

27 July, 2007 04:00
15 ABY
A new report has been received from the Grand Moff It can be viewed HERE

[GMF]Directorate Debate #1

Czulvang Lah

24 July, 2007 04:00
15 ABY
Duke Keldorn has started the first Directorate Debate on the Message Boards! The issue is: Are Certain Topics Inappropriate for Debate?. :P Take a look, consider the matter at hand and post! (If you'd like to see some example debates, e-mail me and I'll show you a few)

Directorate Ethics Program Goes Live

Czulvang Lah

22 July, 2007 04:00
15 ABY
The Directorate Ethics Program (don't worry, the name may change) has recently been approved by the XO and is now live! The point of the program is to test the Governor's "ethical standing". Twice a week a new Situation will be added to the website. Each Situation will have three possible Resolutions, each of which will have an impact on a the Governor's Ethics Rating (loosely compare to FCHG) with "Good" options adding (+) points and "Evil" options subtracting (-) points. The Ethics Rating is similar to this in that negative (-) points are "Evil" Ranks and positive (+) points are "Good" Ranks. Note that the ranks have names to go along with a set number of points. A full list will be available soon. When you login to the website you will notice an Ethics Program link in bold. There should be a number beside it indicating how many Issues are pending review. I have added all active Governors to the program and you should have two (2) issues waiting. If you do not have Issues pending review, simply go the Ethics Program page and click the link to the join the program and you will have two (2) questions added to your file. Once you have chosen your response to each of the Issues (the first makes determing which options are good/evil quite simple, while the second is somewhat trickier to choose between) check your Ethics Rating! It will be display on the Ethics Program page and your Profile as long as you are signed up to participate. To New Members: All New members are automatically signed-up for the Program but you may remove yourself by using the link on the Ethics Program page. I'd like to thank La'an for helping me with some earlier planning of this, including coming up with some of the ranks, and to Farrin Xies who has been a tremendous help (he wrote the Issues you'll be reviewing)! If you have any problems or questions please contact me at Several of us have used the Program on the website and I have tested over 30 situations, but there may still be bugs, please let me know if you find any.

Territory Roster Changes

Czulvang Lah

21 July, 2007 04:00
15 ABY

Ashtar has been closed in order to concentrate our active members. The lack of GGs makes staffing multiple planets difficult. The active members from Ashtar have been moved to Osiris and a Lieutenant Governor has been installed on that planet.

Medal Awards

Czulvang Lah

19 July, 2007 04:00
15 ABY
Minos Star For his work as Setii System Moff and Governor General of Ghenna, Lord Adrian Tepes has been awarded the Minos Star. Jerjerrod Cross
  • For his assistance in various projects, Lady Janta La'an has been awarded the JC.
  • For assistance with the Ethics Project (details coming soon), Lord Farrin Xies has been awarded the JC.
Star of Domination For his activity over the past month, Sir Fratus Sinister has been awarded the Star of Domination. Congratulations everyone!

News from the Territories

16 July, 2007 04:00
15 ABY
Congratulations to Lord Farrin who has been appointed Ghenna Governor General! Sir Fratus Sinister has been awarded the Star of Domination for his recent activity. Congratulations! Two Governor General positions are still open for applications. If you are interested in taking command of Ashtar or Osiris, send an application to me at Consideration will be given to anyone regardless of experience, though some experience (at least 2 months) in the Emperor's Hammer is preferred. Applications from outside of the Directorate are accepted as long as you are in the Emperor's Hammer and are willing to quickly join and complete the Directorate Academy.

Report Code Updates

Czulvang Lah

15 July, 2007 04:00
15 ABY

I've removed the function that will add link breaks in the reports for the time being. By the end of the night it should be in place BEFORE the report is submitted, rather than after.

This was causing problems when a person would code their report in another program, then past it in, as the site was finding any place RETURN was pressed, and replacing it with doubt line-break tags.

** The reports admin page has been updated to allow commanders to delete reports, and set the form as Pure HTML, Replace Line Breaks with <br />, and Text only.

Setii System Moff Appointed

Czulvang Lah

04 July, 2007 04:00
15 ABY

Congratulations to Adrian Tepes on his appointment to Setii System Moff!

Systems Manual & the Wiki

Czulvang Lah

01 July, 2007 04:00
15 ABY

In conjunction with the FC and MoE, I'm working on adding the Systems Manual to the Wiki. The project itself is fairly simple, but since we're trying to put everything in a format that makes sense and is easy to read, this is looking to be an extended project.

Anyone (anyone in the EH!) who is interested in assisting should contact me at