MAA report #76

DSP Elwood the Brave

30 July, 2016 16:25
24 ABY

MAA report #76 can be found here



MAA/DSP Elwood the Brave/DC-3/

New Delta Flight III FL

High Admiral Elwood the Brave

25 July, 2016 20:13
24 ABY
Congratulations are in order to the freshly assigned new Flight Leader of Delta Flight III, Major Phoenix Berkana. I am sure you'll do a hell of a job!

HA Woody

MAA report #75

DSP Elwood the Brave

23 July, 2016 08:05
24 ABY

MAA report #75 can be found here



MAA/DSP Elwood the Brave/DC-3/

Grandmaster awarded with the GLS

DSM Pellaeon

22 July, 2016 10:37
24 ABY



Dark Greetings,
It is a pleasure for me to announce, that our Grandmaster Tomaas Montte was awarded with the Golden Light Saber.
Congratulations! Very well deserved!

P:GM-CON/DSM Pellaeon


CON Report #11

DSM Pellaeon

22 July, 2016 10:19
24 ABY


Dark Greetings!
The Clan Drakonan Consul Report #11 can be found here.

P:GM-CON/DSMPellaeon/Clan Drakonan

Grand Admiral Thrawn is back in the canon ....

High Admiral Anahorn Dempsey

17 July, 2016 06:48
24 ABY
Yup, first he was there after the books, then he got ditched, and now he's back...

MAA report #74

DSP Elwood the Brave

16 July, 2016 06:46
24 ABY

MAA report #74 can be found here



MAA/DSP Elwood the Brave/DC-3/

TCCOM Promoted!!!

Grand Admiral Rapier

13 July, 2016 18:05
24 ABY
For his outstanding work as TCCOM it is with great pleasure I announce the promotion of Fleet Admiral Elwood the Brave to the prestigious rank of High Admiral.

Keep up the great work.

Stars, Stars and even more Stars!

Fleet Admiral Pellaeon

12 July, 2016 19:22
24 ABY
It is a pleasure for me to announce the following awards:

For outstanding services to the Empire Vice Admiral Hawkins, High Admiral Anahorn Dempsey, Lieutenant-Colonel Ulrich Drachen, General Pickled Yoda, General Gilad Pellaeon and Major Silvius were awarded with the Gold Star of the Empire!
For outstanding activities the last month Admiral Plif, Colonel Daniel Stephens, Lieutenant-Colonel Len Eode, Colonel Wraith, Colonel Mark Schueler, General Coranel Both, Colonel John T. Clark and General La'an were awarded with the Silver Star of the Empire!
For very high activities in the last monthLieutenant-Colonel Repulsor, Captain Sparky, Commander leocadio, Commander Junazee, Captain Xavier Sienar, Colonel Rau Aznable, Lieutenant Michael LeRoy, Major Keth Aalith and Captain Spiffy the Chicken were awarded with the Bronze Star of the Empire!

Congratulations! Very well deserved!

MAA report #73

DSP Elwood the Brave

09 July, 2016 13:38
24 ABY

MAA report #73 can be found here



MAA/DSP Elwood the Brave/DC-3/

Medals of Communication for June

Fleet Admiral Pellaeon

09 July, 2016 13:07
24 ABY

The Medals of Communication for June were awarded. Congratulations to all recipients.

COL Mark Schueler, MAJ Flelm

LT Milo Antu, GN Dax Corrin, CPT Spiffy the Chicken, COL Wraith

FA Pellaeon, VA Hawkins, HA Anahorn Dempsey, CM leocadio, CPT Sparky, MAJ Keth Aalith, LT Aalee

MAJ Narven Task, CPT Trideo Arkson, GN Exar Kit, LT Reyla Setsune

FA Elwood the Brave, MAJ Silvius, GN Coranel Both, COL John T. Clark, MAJ Phoenix Berkana, MAJ Shado Fenn, MAJ Mauser, LC Prower, LT Anaba, CM Witcher, COL Gyssler, LT Michael LeRoy, GN Dunta Polo, LCM Hav Antiel, LT Daniel Ghale, AD Plif, GN Gilbert H. Frown, LC Ulrich Drachen, LC Repulsor, LCM Bodhan Grayson, COL Daniel Stephens, COL Crsepe, LT Rachel Drakon, LT Volac Kingang, LT Lucifer Scorpio Romanov, LT Christopher Winchester, CM Junazee, GN Jarek La'an, GN Gilad Pellaeon, GN Pickled Yoda, LC Len Eode, MAJ Crix Talra, GN Kaisin Mirtez, LT Turel, LC Michael Emrys, CPT Xavier Sienar, LT Zarroc Darkblade

SOO/FA Pellaeon

SOO awarded a Gold Star of the Empire

Fleet Admiral Elwood the Brave

06 July, 2016 12:35
24 ABY

For his overwhelming support in running Raise the Flag - 2016, for his work as SOO over the past months and for his enormous activity level during June, I am proud to reward Fleet Admiral Pellaeon with another Gold Star of the Empire!

Well done, old friend!

FA Woody

CON Report #10

DA Pellaeon

04 July, 2016 17:03
24 ABY


Dark Greetings!
The Clan Drakonan Consul Report #10 can be found here.

P:GM-CON/DA Pellaeon/Clan Drakonan

MAA report #72

DSP Elwood the Brave

02 July, 2016 10:51
24 ABY

MAA report #72 can be found here



MAA/DSP Elwood the Brave/DC-3/

02 July, 2016 08:57
24 ABY

Raise the Flag - 2016 is over and here are the results:

1st ISD II Warrior (9722 points)
2nd ISD II Hammer (5490 points)
3rd ISD II Challenge (1082 points)

1st Theta (5450 points)
2nd Kappa (2556 points)
3rd Alpha (2147 points)

1st Hawkins (119 points/32 gfx)
2nd Jarek La'an (65 points/25 gfx)
3rd Ulrich Drachen (9 points/3 gfx)

1st Hawkins (123 points)
2nd Jarek La'an (91 points)
3rd John T. Clark (10 points)

SP flying
1st Anahorn Dempsey (1205 points)
2nd Pickled Yoda (901 points)
3rd Mark Schueler (616 points)

MP flying
1st Silvius (1701 points)
2nd Gilad Pelleaon (1196 points)
3rd Pickled Yoda (1086 points)

1st Pickled Yoda (2000 points)
2nd Silvius (1701 points)
3rd Anahorn Dempsey (1459 points)
4th Gilad Pelleaon (1328 points)

Congratulations to all medal grabbers!

Now everyone off to the cantina and CELEBRATE!

FA Woody