Major VinDoros (#6338)

Call sign: Hitman
TIE Corps - Inactive
Code Cylinders Rank Insignia of a TIE Corps Major Code Cylinders
Code Cylinders Rank Insignia of a TIE Corps Major Code Cylinders

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MAJ VinDoros [Inactive]
GS/BSx9/PCx5/ISMx9/MoT-4gh/MoI/IS-2GW-7SW-11BW-PR-2SR/LoC-TS/DFC-SW/CoLx2/CoB/LoAx10 [Optio] [Veteran 4th]

Character Profile

Profile Data
Member status: Inactive
Group: TIE Corps (Inactive)
Group join date: 2001-02-25
(almost 24 years ago)
Rank: Major
(2003-04-15 - over 21 years ago)
Positions: None
Assigned unit: None
Time zone: (UTC) UTC
Discord username: You must be logged in to view member Discord usernames.
Contact information: You must be logged in to view member contact information.
Quote: None
Top Awards

Flight Certification

Combat and Flight Ratings
TIE Corps Imperial Pilot Flight Wings - 
                16th Echelon

Flight Certified - 16th Echelon
Points: 2,058

Fleet Commander's Honor Guard:

Combat Rating (MP PvP):
Veteran 4th

Singleplayer Performance
FCHG Rank: Optio (1,358 points)
Total missions completed: 1,354
Battles completed: 238
Free missions completed: 78
Current battle high scores: 0
Current mission high scores: 2
Battles created: 0
Free missions created: 4
Multiplayer Performance
Combat Rating (MP PvP): Veteran 4th (438 points)
Combat Rating (MP PvE): Unranked (0 points)
Distinguished Flying Crosses: 15
Mission High Scores (2)
Free Missions Created (4)

Combat Record

Battles completed (238)
TIE Fighter
TIE Corps
TIE-TC 1: Capture of Zaarin Medal of Darkness
TIE-TC 2: Strike at Calamari Medal of Vengeance
TIE-TC 3: New Dimensions Medal of the Emperor's Gate
TIE-TC 4: Recapture Zaarin's Technology Medal of Retribution
TIE-TC 5: Pirate Uprising Medal of Security
TIE-TC 6: Destruction Medal of Destruction
TIE-TC 7: Betrayal Medal of Folly
TIE-TC 8: Strike Against the Pirates Medal of Prevailing
TIE-TC 9: Tracking the Defectors Medal of Loyalty
TIE-TC 10: Battle for the Death Star Medal for the Death Star
TIE-TC 11: Renegade Battle Medal of Victory
TIE-TC 12: Jedi Hunt Medal of Pursual
TIE-TC 13: Finding the Lakul Medal of Alertness
TIE-TC 14: Vader Takes Command Medal of Sith
TIE-TC 15: Special Operations Medal of Stealth
TIE-TC 16: Dacian Downfall Medal of Dacian
TIE-TC 17: Zaarin's Missile Boats Medal of Finality
TIE-TC 18: Interception Medal of Speed
TIE-TC 19: The Tethys Honeymoon Medal of Commitment
TIE-TC 20: Escort Carrier Missions Medal of Renewal
TIE-TC 21: Break the Sky Medal of Pain
TIE-TC 22: Aftermath Medal of Avenge
TIE-TC 23: Daedalus Medal of Readiness
TIE-TC 24: Save the Emperors DNA Medal of Replication
TIE-TC 25: Spoils of War Medal of Aries
TIE-TC 26: The Dark Troopers Medal of FutureShock
TIE-TC 28: Conquest Medal of Conquest
TIE-TC 29: Communications Wars Medal of Vigilance
TIE-TC 30: Save the Emperors Archives Medal of Archives
TIE-TC 31: Hidden Agenda Medal of Revelation
TIE-TC 32: Assassinate the Fleet Commander? Medal of Assassination
TIE-TC 33: Strike at Incom Medal of Devastation
TIE-TC 34: Encounter at Charybdis Medal of the Chromium Cloak
TIE-TC 36: Weekend Retreat Medal of Recreation
TIE-TC 38: Deepspace Syndicate Medal of Orion
TIE-TC 40: Deception Medal of Deception
TIE-TC 41: Rebel Demise Medal of the Dark Sheath
TIE-TC 42: Jealousy Medal of Envy
TIE-TC 44: Military Complex Operation Medal of MilCom
TIE-TC 45: Traitors Medal of Recreant's Demise
TIE-TC 46: Back to the Basics Medal of the Unattainable
TIE-TC 47: Get That Rat! Medal of Personal Combat
TIE-TC 48: Ski Hoth - Star Wars Mercenaries Medal of Reconciliation
TIE-TC 49: Construct the Sovereign Medal of Construction
TIE-TC 50: Ackbar's Trick Medal of Trickery
TIE-TC 51: The Space Supremacy Medal of Supremacy
TIE-TC 52: Freedom Task Force Medal of Freedom
TIE-TC 53: Capture of the Rebel Spy
TIE-TC 55: Double Threat Medal of Defiance
TIE-TC 57: Raptor Medal of Quickness
TIE-TC 58: The Outcast Medal of Redemption
TIE-TC 59: Encounter at Dar'Telis Medal of Unbelievable Defiance
TIE-TC 60: Operation Harpoon Medal of Queequeg
TIE-TC 61: Grand Admiral's Birthday Medal of Celebration
TIE-TC 62: Taco Wars Medal of Sustanence
TIE-TC 63: Beyond the Minos Cluster Medal of Necessity
TIE-TC 64: Pruscian Betrayal, Part I First Medal of Payback
TIE-TC 65: Pruscian Betrayal, Part II Second Medal of Payback
TIE-TC 66: Minos Cluster, Battle One First Medal of Strength
TIE-TC 67: The Siege of Maltar Medal of Obliteration
TIE-TC 68: Minos Cluster, Battle Two Second Medal of Strength
TIE-TC 71: Praetorian Glory Medal of Heroics
TIE-TC 72: Accident in the Carrida System Medal of Establishment
TIE-TC 73: Cobra Squadron Medal of Animosity
TIE-TC 74: Protect the Inquisitor Medal of Inquisition
TIE-TC 76: Mirror Universe Medal of Reflection
TIE-TC 77: Verpine Encounter, Part One Medal of Earnestness
TIE-TC 78: Verpine Encounter, Part Two Medal of Fruition
TIE-TC 79: Drop The Hammer Medal of Belligerence
TIE-TC 80: Reassignment Medal of Reclamation
TIE-TC 83: Battle For Truth and Honor Medal of Deference
TIE-TC 84: Capture of Rebel Technology Medal of Vindication
TIE-TC 85: Forces of History Medal of Chronicles
TIE-TC 86: The Sheerot Rebellion Medal of Revolt
TIE-TC 88: Bothan Tricks
TIE-TC 91: Supply Incident Medal of Protection
TIE-TC 92: Deep Recon Into Tyrranian Space Medal of Reconnaissance
TIE-TC 94: The Ultimate Shield Medal of Invulnerability
TIE-TC 96: Deep Strike Medal of Expulsion
TIE-TC 100: The Battle for Manhood Medal of Manhood
TIE-TC 102: Attack on Petros Medal Works Medal of Diligence
TIE-TC 104: Spam Wars Medal of Silence
TIE-TC 108: Unexplored Territory Medal of a New Race
TIE-TC 115: Project Emperor's Revenge
TIE-TC 118: Omicron's Initiation
TIE-TC 120: Thunderer the Victory Star Destroyer Medal of Zeus
TIE-TC 121: Battle of Principles Medal of Principles
TIE-TC 125: Operation 'Silent Scream'
TIE-TC 126: Strategic Termination Medal of Termination
TIE-TC 129: Relentless Revenge, Part One
TIE-TC 131: TIE Fighter Covert Missions
TIE-TC 133: Punishment Tour Medal of No Apparent Value
TIE-TC 159: The Destruction of Rogue Squadron
TIE-TC 165: The Hunt for Zsinj Medal of Ruthlessness
TIE-TC 178: Ghosts of Endor Medal of Adaptability
Infiltrator Wing
TIE-IW 1: Welcome Medal of Audacity
Dark Brotherhood
TIE-DB 2: The Krath Haj Medal of the Empress Teta
TIE-DB 3: The Light Jedi Medal of Extermination
TIE-DB 4: Baptism of Fire Medal of Graduates
TIE-DB 5: Destruction Medal of Annihilation
TIE-DB 6: Darkest Blood Medal of Darkest Blood
TIE-DB 7: Quest of the Elite
TIE-DB 8: The Capture of Yridia II
TIE-DB 9: Dark Brotherhood Battle 9
TIE-DB 10: Relics of the Ancient Jedi
TIE-DB 11: Black Dragon Rising
TIE-DB 12: Operation Darkstar
TIE-DB 13: Circlet of Domination
Combined Arms Battle
TIE-CAB 1: Assault On the Hast Shipyards Hast Shipyards
TIE-CAB 2: Assault Of Aurora Medal of Aurora
TIE-CAB 3: Secure the Phare System Medal of Phare
TIE-CAB 4: Battle for Kronos Medal of Kronos
TIE-CAB 5: Destroy Shipyards of the New Republic Medal of the Shipyard
Fleet Commander's Honor Guard
TIE-FCHG 1: The Stalwart Campaign Medal of Artificial Intelligence
TIE-FCHG 2: Shadow of Time
TIE-FCHG 3: The Perils of Diplomacy
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
TIE Corps
XvT-TC 1: The Verpine Encounter Second Medal of Earnestness
XvT-TC 2: Capture of a Murderer
XvT-TC 3: Preparing for Battle Medal of Confrontation
XvT-TC 4: Encounter with the Black Sun
XvT-TC 5: Phoenix Saga
XvT-TC 6: Wolf Pack Aggression
XvT-TC 7: The Resupply
XvT-TC 8: The Loshen Resistance
XvT-TC 9: The Black Sun Incident Memorial Medal of George and Gracie
XvT-TC 10: Abduction of VA Priyum
XvT-TC 11: Wing XIV: Krayt Squadron Training The Eye of the Dragon
XvT-TC 12: Odin's Redemption
XvT-TC 13: Graduates, Graduate!
XvT-TC 14: Orion Base Crisis
XvT-TC 15: The Cattle Groups: The Search for Dodgy Dairy The Palpatine Cowpie
XvT-TC 16: Deep strike at K'atalla
XvT-TC 17: The Burning Season
XvT-TC 18: The Scarlet Fleet
XvT-TC 19: Project B: the TIE Bomber project The T/AB Research Plaque
XvT-TC 20: Mysterious People Cyborg Merit
XvT-TC 21: Project X: the T-65C A2 project The T-65 Research Plaque
XvT-TC 22: Rebel Cargo
XvT-TC 23: The ASF Fishing Trip
XvT-TC 24: Princess Tatoka's Meeting Princess Tatoka's Cross
XvT-TC 25: Wing XV: Echo Squadron VanCom's Protector Medal (Pyrath-Aurora)
XvT-TC 26: INT Shire Medal of Gravity wells
XvT-TC 29: Super Elite Encounter
XvT-TC 30: Wing XV: Hornet Squadron The Green Hornet
XvT-TC 31: Pirate Scouts
XvT-TC 32: Wing XIV: WC Trouble Medal of Marchmanship
XvT-TC 33: Wing XV: Python Squadron The Golden Python
XvT-TC 35: ASF: Supremacy Comp IV Cyric Crescent
XvT-TC 36: Operation: Dark Hammer Dark Hammer
XvT-TC 37: Intrepid to the Rescue
XvT-TC 38: XvT Week of War XLIII Week of Combat
XvT-TC 39: Wing XV: Scorpion Squadron The Pinchers
XvT-TC 40: Leaders of the New Republic Raptor Crescent
XvT-TC 41: More Power Part I Medal of Power-1S
XvT-TC 42: More Power Part II Medal of Power - 2S
XvT-TC 43: More Power Part III Medal of Power - 3S
XvT-TC 44: More Power Part IV Medal of Power - 4S
XvT-TC 45: Dark Disciple 1 Dark Cross
XvT-TC 46: Wing XV: Crossing Borders Knight in the Order of the Borkan Bear
XvT-TC 47: Wing XIII: Disruption Fenrir's Star
XvT-TC 48: Bravo Company: Training Flight Certificate
XvT-TC 49: Blinky joins TC The pacman arcade medal
XvT-TC 50: ZT Force: Cerberus Infection ZT Bravery Credit
XvT-TC 51: Intrepid Intelligence gone mad Medal of Smarts
XvT-TC 52: Krayt Squadron: Stranded
XvT-TC 53: INT Shire III Hobbit flight pilot of the month award
XvT-TC 54: Avengers, Frodo, and a Lost Mission Compendium Traitor's Nightmare Plaque
XvT-TC 55: Prison Duties Prison Producers of the Minos Cluster's Medal of Valour
XvT-TC 56: Tour aboard the ISD Nemesis The order of 'Da mihi sis curevisiam dilutam'
XvT-TC 57: Mai in Danger Wing X Cross
XvT-TC 58: Diamondback Squadron Special Operations Diamondback Squadron Commendation of Bravery
XvT-TC 59: Cosmetic Wars! The Cleanest Plaque in the fleet
XvT-TC 60: Orin System Orin Protectorate
Infiltrator Wing
XvT-IW 1: Hunt for Fleet #18 Second Medal of Pursuit
XvT-IW 2: The Miranda Passage Medal of Audacity
XvT-IW 3: Dar'Telis Expansion: Exterminate the Mechanoids Crest of Silicon
Dark Brotherhood
XvT-DB 1: Jedi Academy
XvT-DB 2: Rascar Political Disruption
XvT-DB 3: House Ludo Kressh: Battle for Frondra
XvT-DB 4: Conflicts of Interest
XvT-DB 5: Hand Over Fist Styggyan Medal of Valor
XvT-DB 6: Operation: Razor Ice Combat Medal of Sharpness
XvT-DB 7: Betrayal and Loyalty Medal of Loyalty
XvT-DB 8: Mineral Wars Steel Sword of Honor
XvT-DB 9: The Shadow Academy: Dark Fury
Combined Arms Battle
XvT-CAB 1: The Vong Plague is coming Coral Cross
Fleet Commander's Honor Guard
XvT-FCHG 1: ASF: Combat Collection The ASF Combat
XvT-FCHG 3: Contagion Medal of Vaccination
X-Wing Alliance
TIE Corps
XWA-TC 1: Avenger Encounter Medal of Entralla
XWA-TC 2: First Contact
XWA-TC 3: The Darkon Mystery The Darkon Star
XWA-TC 4: Privateer
XWA-TC 5: Show of Force
XWA-TC 6: Enemy Defector
XWA-TC 7: Assault on Chimera
XWA-TC 8: Hammer to Anvil
XWA-TC 9: Defection of Kusanagi
XWA-TC 10: The Phare Encounter The Dark Crescent
XWA-TC 11: Heroes of the Immortal
XWA-TC 12: Imperium Deception
XWA-TC 13: Hammer to Anvil Part II
XWA-TC 14: The History of the ISD Immortal
XWA-TC 15: Nasty Surprise
XWA-TC 16: The History of the ISD Relentless
XWA-TC 17: Secrets and Lies: The Exile Bronze Crest of Truth
XWA-TC 18: Immortalized The Earplugs
XWA-TC 19: Evaluation of the ISD Vanguard
XWA-TC 20: The Tug Menace Gold Tug Cross
XWA-TC 21: Ast's Story Medal of Craziness
XWA-TC 22: The Career of Adrenaline
XWA-TC 23: The Unknown Regions - Thrawn's Fist The Fist of Thrawn
XWA-TC 24: The History of the SSSD Sovereign
XWA-TC 25: Ticket to Chimaera Chimaera Cross
XWA-TC 26: Experimental Tie Evaluation Medal of Experiments
XWA-TC 27: Battle of Corellia Corellian Crest
XWA-TC 28: ViB: The Lost Missions Legion of the Vanguard
XWA-TC 29: Battle of Sharnall Sharnall Cloud Star
XWA-TC 30: Imperial Storm II: Dark Horizon ISII Dark Horizon
XWA-TC 31: Mission to Andevia Medal of Collaboration
XWA-TC 32: Rebel Resurgence
XWA-TC 33: Operation Sector Cleanup Custodian Cross
Infiltrator Wing
XWA-IW 1: Abyssi Ianua - Gates to Hell Hell's Doors Crescent
XWA-IW 2: Rion's Shadow Campaign: Infiltrate Rion Copper Infiltration Crescent
XWA-IW 3: Rion's Shadow Campaign: Seeds of Corruption Bronze Infiltration Crescent
XWA-IW 4: Rion's Shadow Campaign: Eliminate Friendship Silver Infiltration Crescent
XWA-IW 5: Rion's Shadow Campaign: Ambassadors Gold Infiltration Crescent
XWA-IW 6: Rion's Shadow Campaign: Tactical Withdrawal Platinum Infiltration Crescent
XWA-IW 7: The Valiant and the Immortal New Tactical Understanding
XWA-IW 8: Obsidian Sector Campaign One
Dark Brotherhood
XWA-DB 1: The Forgotten Planet Medal Of The Ancient Sith
XWA-DB 2: Battle of Sharnall
XWA-DB 3: The Hidden Menace
XWA-DB 4: The Shadow Academy: Dark Fury
Combined Arms Battle
XWA-CAB 2: Terminal Frost ATF Medal of Achievement
XWA-CAB 4: The Warrior's Dance The Warrior's Reward
Fleet Commander's Honor Guard
XWA-FCHG 1: Race Through Time Medal of Temporal Tactics
XWA-FCHG 2: The Forgotten Legacy Golden Medal of Rememberance
XWA-FCHG 3: Ronin's Deception Medal of Deception
Free missions completed (78)
TIE Fighter
Free mission
TIE-F 85: Wolly #1
TIE-F 120: Assault on Minos
TIE-F 164: Evacuate Platform
TIE-F 208: Talons' First Patrol
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
Free mission
XvT-F 10: VSD Victory
XvT-F 11: The Test of Skill
XvT-F 78: The Shroomster Express
XvT-F 102: Hyperion on Patrol
XvT-F 142: Repair the Subjugator
X-Wing Alliance
Free mission
XWA-F 1: Battle of Midway
XWA-F 2: Destroy Ackbar
XWA-F 3: A Simple Patrol
XWA-F 4: Defend the ISD Colossus
XWA-F 5: ISD Pursuit
XWA-F 6: Rage Assaults Platform FK-438
XWA-F 7: Patrol the Area
XWA-F 8: Rescue the Phoenix
XWA-F 9: Supply Transfer
XWA-F 10: Kuat Revenge
XWA-F 11: Crippled INT
XWA-F 12: ESC Plunderer
XWA-F 13: Protect the Vanguard
XWA-F 14: Assault on Churba Shipyards
XWA-F 15: Mercenary Doom
XWA-F 16: Clearing the Way For the ISD Intrepid
XWA-F 17: Recon at Semag
XWA-F 18: Ambush on the Border
XWA-F 19: Attack at Abaddon
XWA-F 20: Sneaky Rebels Die
XWA-F 21: IRC Breen
XWA-F 22: Battlecry One
XWA-F 23: Battle of Baraton
XWA-F 24: Operation Moonbaker
XWA-F 25: New Fighters
XWA-F 26: Lost In Space
XWA-F 27: Rescue Praetorian
XWA-F 28: Rain Down Retribution
XWA-F 29: Operation TakeDown
XWA-F 30: Capture the M/FRG Hound
XWA-F 31: Capture Corvette Group
XWA-F 32: Attack on the SSD Avenger
XWA-F 33: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
XWA-F 34: Steal a Gunship
XWA-F 35: Routine Patrol
XWA-F 36: Capture Rebel Cruiser
XWA-F 37: Revenge on the Immortal
XWA-F 38: Blazing Fury !
XWA-F 39: Testing Sources
XWA-F 40: The Capture of Firixon
XWA-F 41: Strike At Firixon
XWA-F 42: Long Range Patrol
XWA-F 44: A Moment of Rest
XWA-F 45: Seeds of Creation
XWA-F 46: Rescue Phantom
XWA-F 48: Raid on Xyrith Shipyards
XWA-F 55: Wing XV: Mantis Squadron
XWA-F 59: Wing XV: Python Squadron
XWA-F 63: Hey Reunion
XWA-F 65: Combat Patrol
XWA-F 68: ASF: Avenger Elite Squadron
XWA-F 69: Attack at Rebel Outpost
XWA-F 70: ASF: Wasp Squadron
XWA-F 73: Space Truck
XWA-F 74: Final Strike
XWA-F 75: Tarentum on Patrol
XWA-F 78: Setup
XWA-F 79: Free New Toy
XWA-F 80: Target Practice
XWA-F 84: Lost Souls Chronicles #1: Falcon Squadron
XWA-F 90: Immortal Team Work
XWA-F 92: The Bismarck's Last Mission
XWA-F 93: Playing with the New Ties
XWA-F 94: The Rebel's Escort Carrier
XWA-F 98: Operation Divide and Conquer, Part 1
XWA-F 100: Defend Aegis
XWA-F 102: The ultimate psy-war weapon
XWA-F 104: Sword Strike

Historic Record

Assignment History
Date Time held Position (ID Line)
2012-08-08 12y,6m,5d MAJ VinDoros [Inactive]
2003-08-31 8y,11m,8d RSV/MAJ VinDoros/M/FRG Phoenix/Reserves
2003-04-15 4m,15d CMDR/MAJ VinDoros/Vampire/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
2003-01-10 3m,4d CMDR/CPT VinDoros/Vampire/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
2002-11-08 2m,1d CMDR/CM VinDoros/Vampire/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
2002-09-12 1m,27d FL/CM VinDoros/Ranger 2-1/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
2002-09-11 1d FM/CM VinDoros/Ranger 2-3/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
2002-09-09 2d FM/CM VinDoros/Gamma 1-4/Wing I/SSSD Sovereign
2002-07-08 2m,1d FM/CM VinDoros/Ranger 3-3/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
2002-05-21 1m,16d CMDR/CM VinDoros/Ranger/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
2002-04-03 1m,17d FM/CM VinDoros/Ranger 1-3/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
2002-02-17 1m,16d RSV/CM VinDoros/M/FRG Phoenix/Reserves
2001-12-17 2m FL/CM VinDoros/Ranger 3-1/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
2001-07-26 4m,20d FL/LCM VinDoros/Ranger 3-1/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
2001-06-15 1m,10d FL/LT VinDoros/Ranger 3-1/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
2001-04-20 1m,26d FM/LT VinDoros/Ranger 3-3/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
2001-03-18 1m,2d FM/LT VinDoros/Hey 3-2/Wing III/SSSD Sovereign
2001-03-17 FM/SL VinDoros/Hey 3-2/Wing III/SSSD Sovereign
2001-02-25 19d TRN/CT VinDoros/Delta Company/PLT Daedalus
Award History
Date Information

Iron Star with Silver Wings

Third place, XWA division, SSL 2003 season.

Recommended by: AD Proton


Iron Star with Gold Wings

Member, second-place squadron, XWA division, SSL 2003.

Recommended by: AD Proton


Iron Star with Silver Wings

Third place, XWA division, SSL regular season.

Recommended by: AD Proton


Commendation of Loyalty

Recommended by: AD Alex Foley


Imperial Security Medal

Commander Vin doros, Has been kind enough to BSF all the battles of the Tau commander for 3 months now.

I would like to nominate him for this medal for his Helpfullness to his fellow officers and to me.

Recommended by: AD Adren Silvori


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

For beating the WC in a free mission.

Recommended by: COL BubbaX


Gold Star of the Empire

Major VinDoros has been perhaps the best Squadron
Commander in the TIE Corps Battlegroups during my time
as BGCOM. He has led Vampire Squadron to the finals of
the XWA Division of the SSL, as well as forged one of
the best teams in the BGs. Those accomplishments alone
would merit a high reward, but this recommendation is
for his work on the Top Gun program. Top Gun is an
innovative, interactive training program that has
finished its development in the BGs and is about to be
implemented. In short, it is competitive advanced
pilot training designed to grow and change with the
needs of the BGs pilots. The course lasts a full
month, and if pilots don't perform they can be washed
out of the course. Major VinDoros was involved with
this from the beginning, and was the first XWA
instructor. In addition to his work with Vampire and
other EH duties, he ran the first XWA course this past
month as a test of the Top Gun system. This involved
developing course materials, evaluating XWA mission
scores, answering questions, and working with me to
improve the program before its official launch. This
was a great deal of work, and not part of his regular
duties, but Major VinDoros exceeded my expectations in
every area. For such work, clearly above and beyond
the normal duties of a Squadron Commander and aimed at
improving the flying of every pilot in the BGs, I
would like to recommend the Gold Star of the Empire be
awarded to Major VinDoros (PIN 6338).

BGCOM/AD Krax Tarnisar/TIE Corps Battlegroups

Flight Officer's note:

I fully agree with Krax's sentiments. VinDoros has gone above the call of duty in his work without his actual CMDR duties suffering in anyway. This kind of perseverance and initiative by an individual deserves to be recognised at the highest levels.

Recommended by: HA Mordechi Wolfe


Iron Star with Silver Wings

Second place, XWA, SSL playoffs round 1.

Recommended by: AD Proton


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

Third place, XWA, SSL, Round 7.

Recommended by: AD Proton


Iron Star with Silver Wings

Second place, XWA, SSL, Round 8.

Recommended by: AD Proton


Bronze Star of the Empire

MAJ VinDoros last month flew over 120 missions. In addition, he has lead his squadon to an unprecendented no-loss season in the SSL. He has done this by being the first one to fly the assigned missions and then send out tips. In addition, he has served as acting WC while our current WC has had some internet difficulties.

Recommended by: COL RogueWing


Imperial Security Medal

He hosted TIE Corps Battlegourp Training Night as Primary Host for Month. Good work!

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

Third place, XWA, SSL Round 6.

Recommended by: AD Proton


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

Third place, SSL, XWA, round 4.

Recommended by: AD Proton


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

Third place, SSL, XWA, round 5.

Recommended by: AD Proton


Iron Star with Gold Wings

Winner, SSL, XWA, round 3.

Recommended by: AD Proton


Palpatine Crescent

May MSE-

05-01-03 Flew XWAF-73 (new HS)
05-04-03 Flew TIE-TC15, worked on Top Gun Course
05-05-03 emailed recruits on Daedalus
05-07-03 Flew TIE-TC23
05-08-03 Flew XWAF-40 for the BG Comp
05-13-03 Awarded PC for April MSE
05-14-03 Flew TIE-TC36, flew XWAF-98 for the Sov Squad League
05-15-03 emailed recruits on Daedalus
05-20-03 Flew TIE-TC 42, 46 and 47, updated Vampire homepage
05-21-03 created yahoo chatroom in effort to recruit
05-22-03 Completed Top Gun Course
05-27-03 Flew XWA-IW7, TIE-FCHG 1, 2, XWAF-100
05-26-03 Chose 4 missions for Top Gun project
05-28-03 emailed cadets on Daedalus
05-29-03 Flew TIE-FCHG 3

COM's Notes: MAJ VinDoros has once again shown himself to be a great CMDR. In addition to the activity mentioned above, he was the acting-WC for over 2 weeks while the regular WC was on leave. He kept up with all of those duties as well as his normal ones. All in all, a great job!

Recommended by: COL RogueWing


Iron Star with Silver Ribbon

Member of winning team of Phase 1

Recommended by: COL A. C. Badlands


Palpatine Crescent

April MSE-
MAJ VinDoros has once again set the bar high for the other cmdrs on the Immortal. Not only is he active on IRC and the MB's, but he is also one of our most active pilots. He has lead his squadron to 1st place so far in the last 4 rounds of SSL. Since taking over as cmdr, they have not lost any squadron comps. In addition, several of his BSF's have been with new HS's, which show a dedication to winning the comps.

Recommended by: COL RogueWing


Imperial Security Medal

March MSE-
CPT VinDoros continues to amaze me with his exceptional leadership skill and his willingness to communicate with his squadron. He has led them to be a great example of what a squadron should look like.

Recommended by: COL RogueWing


Iron Star with Silver Wings

TopGun of above comp.

Recommended by: COL A. C. Badlands


Iron Star with Silver Ribbon

Winner of this comp.

Recommended by: COL RogueWing


Palpatine Crescent

CPT VinDoros is the epitome of a squadron cmdr. He is constantly active, flying both MP and SP. He leads his squadron in competitions, regularly scoring in the top 3 pilots.

Recommended by: COL RogueWing


Medal of Tactics - Green Hammer

Creation of free mission: XWA-F 100

Recommended by: FA Marcin Szydlowski


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #3914 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Bronze Star of the Empire

January MSE

CPT VinDoros has shown real quality leadership skills this month. In addition to flying around 40 missions this month, he ran a squadron vs. squadron competition, he won 9 MP matches, created a new XWA Free Mission, and is constantly emailing pilots in the RSV's to try and recruit into his squadron.

Recommended by: COL RogueWing


Letter of Achievement

Submitting fiction to EHNL89.

Recommended by: Tomaas Banys


Bronze Star of the Empire

December MSE-

12-01-02 Awarded PC for MP hosting(awarded by COO)

12-04-02 Flew XvT-TC20,21

12-05-02 Awarded LoC

12-08-02 Flew XvT-TC 22,23,24,25,26

12-10-02 Awarded DFC

12-11-02 Reflew XWAF4 for ECR with improved score

12-12-02 Awarded IS-SW for MP in November

12-13-02 Awarded BS for MSE Flew XvT-TC 29,30, Awarded LoC

12-14-02 Flew XvT-TC 31,32,33

12-16-02 Awarded LoC

12-19-02 Updated Vampire Webpage

12-20-02 Flew XvT-TC35,36,Awarded LoCx6,Awarded DFC

12-21-02 Flew XvT-TC 37

12-21-02 Flew XWAF-74, XvTF-10, and TIEF-164

12-22-02 Flew XvT-TC 38, Awarded IS-BWx2

12-23-02 Flew XvT-TC 39,40

12-26-02 Awarded BS for FCHG of 1000

12-27-02 Flew XvTTC-41

12-28-02 Flew XvTTC-42,43,44,45

12-30-02 Flew XvTTC-46, 47,48

12-31-02 Flew XvTTC-49,50,51,52,53,54

Recommended by: COL RogueWing


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

1st place winner of the XvT portion of the comp.

Recommended by: COL RogueWing


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

1st place winner of XWA portion of the comp.

Recommended by: COL RogueWing


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #3682 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #3241 Victory

Recommended by: Autoris Maximus


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #3243 Victory

Recommended by: Autoris Maximus


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #3654 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #3609 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #3590 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #3596 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

Took second place with 184 battle missions flown.

Recommended by: Autoris Maximus


Bronze Star of the Empire

Reached FCHG rank of over 1000.

Recommended by: COL RogueWing


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

Highest score in XvT

Recommended by: Autoris Maximus


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

Highest score in XWA

Recommended by: Autoris Maximus


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #3540 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Distinguished Flying Cross

[XWA] Outer Rim War 2

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #3357 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #3535 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Distinguished Flying Cross

[XWA] Sovereign Nighthawk Comp

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #3513 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #3426 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Bronze Star of the Empire

November MSE
11-08-02 Appointed Vampire Commander

11-09-02 Got a new Message Board for Vampire Squadron

11-10-02 Awarded LoC

11-11-02 Awarded LoC, and BS for various SP and MP activity

11-15-02 Awarded LoCx6

11-16-02 Submitted GFX for Wing XI GFX Comp

11-16-02 Awarded LoCx2, and DFC

11-17-02 Got the Battleboard back up to date for Vampire

11-18-02 Created Homepage for Vampire Squadron

11-19-02 Flew XvT-TC 13,14,15,16

11-20-02 Awarded LoCx2

11-21-02 Added updates to Vampire Homepage

11-22-02 Awarded LoCx2

11-22-02 Awarded LoCx2

11-25-02 Flew XWA-DB3

11-27-02 Flew XvT-TC 17,18,19, Flew XvTF102, XWAF 59, 34-All High Scores

Recommended by: COL RogueWing


Iron Star with Silver Wings

This competition was approved by TO and OPS in an email. He won the most number of MP matches for the month of November during the Immortal Top Gun comp.

Recommended by: COL RogueWing


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #3454 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Palpatine Crescent

For hosting enough comps for getting a PC. He also helped me with the Hosting when I rebuilt this office. Good Work!

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #3085 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #3282 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #3250 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #3273 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #3127 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Distinguished Flying Cross

[XWA] Minos War

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #3210 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #3211 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #3211 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #3206 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Bronze Star of the Empire

Recommended for BS by previous COM. He flew over 45 missions, won 34 MP matches, and won 5 DFC's.

Recommended by: COL RogueWing


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #3201 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #3169 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Distinguished Flying Cross

[XWA] Outer Rim War 2

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #3127 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #3119 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #3116 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #3118 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Medal of Tactics - Green Hammer

Creation of XWA-FREE mission.

Recommended by: FA Marcin Szydlowski


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #3105 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #3098 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #3093 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #3076 Victory

Recommended by: Autoris Maximus


Distinguished Flying Cross

[XWA] Aggressor Strike Force Comp

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #3067 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2755 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2793 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2798 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2800 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2807 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2857 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2908 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2964 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2970 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #3009 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2965 Victory

Recommended by: Astatine


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2965 Victory

Recommended by: Astatine


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2780 Victory

Recommended by: Autoris Maximus


Distinguished Flying Cross

[XWA] Sovereign Nighthawk Comp

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2766 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Distinguished Flying Cross

[XWA] Greenwich Wolf Comp

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2748 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2860 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2755 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2743 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2737 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Distinguished Flying Cross

[XWA] Aggressor Strike Force Comp

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Distinguished Flying Cross

[XWA] Sovereign Nighthawk Comp

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2714 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2673 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2669 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2667 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2666 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Imperial Security Medal


Completed XvT-TC 2,4 XvT-DB 4

Received LoCx8
Highly active on irc and flying

Recommended by: AD Darksaber


Distinguished Flying Cross

[XWA] Vanguard Shield Comp

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2650 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2646 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2645 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2614 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2614 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2595 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2573 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2545 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2545 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Medal of Tactics - Green Hammer

creation of free mission

Recommended by: FA Marcin Szydlowski


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2227 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Bronze Star of the Empire


30.06.02 - Completed XvT-TC 1 and 3
30.06.02 - Completed TIE-TC 64
29.06.02 - Awarded LoCx2
28.06.02 - Awarded LoAx7(gfx submissions)
27.06.02 - Awarded DFC
27.06.02 - Awarded LoCx5
26.06.02 - Completed TIEDB13
26.06.02 - Completed XWAF69-with new HS
25.06.02 - Completed XvTF11, TIEDB 12
25.06.02 - Completed IWATS XTM/2 course with 78%
24.06.02 - Awarded DFC
24.06.02 - Awarded LoCx8
23.06.02 - Awarded MoT-gh
23.06.02 - Awarded LoCx2
20.06.02 - Completed IWATS SM/3 course with 90%
20.06.02 - Awarded LoC
19.06.02 - Completed XWAF44 for Ranger vs Trapper Comp
19.06.02 - Awarded LoCx2
17.06.02 - Posted on Ranger Runon
17.06.02 - Completed XvTDB 3,5, and 6
15.06.02 - Completed XvTDB2
15.06.02 - Completed XvT DB1
14.06.02 - Completed TIE DB10,11
14.06.02 - Awarded LoC
13.06.02 - Posted on Ranger Runon
13.06.92 - Awarded LoC
12.06.02 - Awarded LoC
11.06.02 - Completed TIE DB9
11.06.02 - Posted on Ranger Runon
10.06.02 - Awarded LoCx3
08.06.02 - Completed FXWA 65 for Ranger Ace Comp
08.06.02 - Started runon on Ranger MB
07.06.02 - Completed TIE DB7
07.06.02 - Received LoCx3, DFC
07.06.02 - Completed TIE DB8
06.06.02 - Submitted 4 GFX for Ranger Banner Comp
06.06.02 - Completed TIE-DB 4
05.06.02 - Organized Comp against Trapper Squadron
05.06.02 - Completed TIE-DB 5, 6
05.06.02 - Submitted XWA Mission to TAC Office
04.06.02 - Completed TIE-DB3
03.06.02 - Awarded LoCx3

Recommended by: AD Darksaber


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2212 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2212 Victory

Recommended by: FA Khadgar


Iron Star with Silver Wings

Won the multiplayer part of the competition

Recommended by: CM Spearhawk


Distinguished Flying Cross

[XWA] Vanguard Shield Comp

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2182 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2146 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Letter of Achievement

Newsletter #84
Letter of Achievement 5 of 7

Recommended by: AD Alex Foley


Letter of Achievement

Newsletter #84
Letter of Achievement 6 of 7

Recommended by: AD Alex Foley


Letter of Achievement

Newsletter #84
Letter of Achievement 7 of 7

Recommended by: AD Alex Foley


Letter of Achievement

Newsletter #84
Letter of Achievement 1 of 7

Recommended by: AD Alex Foley


Letter of Achievement

Newsletter #84
Letter of Achievement 2 of 7

Recommended by: AD Alex Foley


Letter of Achievement

Newsletter #84
Letter of Achievement 3 of 7

Recommended by: AD Alex Foley


Letter of Achievement

Newsletter #84
Letter of Achievement 4 of 7

Recommended by: AD Alex Foley


Distinguished Flying Cross

[XWA] Greenwich Wolf Comp

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2199 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2198 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Distinguished Flying Cross

[XWA] Vanguard Shield Comp

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2184 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2184 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Medal of Tactics - Green Hammer

creation of xwa mission

Recommended by: FA Marcin Szydlowski


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2158 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2170 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2143 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2123 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2098 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2091 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2082 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2064 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Distinguished Flying Cross

[XWA] Night of the Lost Souls

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2051 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2028 Victory

Recommended by: Astatine


Imperial Security Medal

MSE for May 2002:
30.05.02 - Submitted 2 GFX for Ranger GFX Comp
29.05.02 - Submitted 3 GFX for Ranger GFX Comp
27.05.02 - Got Ranger Ace Competition Approved
27.05.02 - Awarded DFC (Saturday Night Training 25.05.02)
27.05.02 - Awarded LoCx4
26.05.02 - Completed TIE-DB2, XWA-TC30
24.05.02 - Received IS-PR(Prelude to Andevia-1st Place-Locality Design)
21.05.02 - Appointed to Ranger CMDR
20.05.02 - Awarded ISM(hosting Immortal Banner Poll)
19.05.02 - Awarded LoC
15.05.02 - Awarded LoC x3
14.05.02 - Awarded LoC
10.05.02 - Received LoC
06.05.02 - Received ISM for April MSE
03.05.02 - Completed XWAF63 for WC's Own beating the HS

Recommended by: CM Spearhawk


Distinguished Flying Cross

[XWA] Saturday Night Training

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #2010 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Iron Star with Platinum Ribbon

1st place - Locality Design - Prelude to Andevia

Recommended by: Astatine


Imperial Security Medal

For Hosting of the Immortal Banner Election at

Recommended by: AD Darksaber


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #1894 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #1918 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #1890 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

Second highest scorer in WC's Own competition.

Recommended by: COL Arso Slyth


Legion of Combat

Combat Event #1818 Victory

Recommended by: AD Arthak Rhade


Imperial Security Medal

April MSE:

29.04.02 - Submitted 2 XWA Free missions
28.04.02 - Reflew XWAF59 beating the HS
27.04.02 - Updated personal homepage
26.04.02 - Completed XWA-DB2 with a mission HS
25.04.04 - RRO duties + MP training
14.04.02 - Completed XWA-DB1, flew XWAF59 for Ranger vs Spectre
13.04.02 - Completed XWA-28
12.04.02 - Passed XTM IWATS Course, 89%
11.04.02 - RRO duties
03.04.02 - Passed FLA IWATS Course, 92%
03.04.02 - Returned to active service

Additional Notes: After 2 months in Reserves Vin returned to Ranger squadron and is showing to be still a very good officer. He's been active in several activities like flying missions, IWATS courses and currently he's also learning mission design. Moreover he's doing a very good job as Ranger Recruitment Officer (RRO) posting on public Messageboards and trying to recruit people on the Zone.

Recommended by: COL Arso Slyth


Bronze Star of the Empire

CM VinDoros showed an excellent activity in January. He has been one of the most active pilots of the ISD Immortal. He flew more then 100 missions last month which is more then standard for pilots.

FL/CM VinDoros – Very High Activity
Ranger 3-1
PIN #6338
Last promotion: 17.12.2001
Last position change: 15.06.2001
Merit Points = 117

26.01.02 - RRO duties
23.01.02 - Completed TIE 58, 59, 63
22.01.02 - Completed TIE 55, 57
21.01.02 - Completed XWAF43
19.01.02 - RRO activity
18.01.02 - Completed TIE 50, 51, 52, 53
15.01.02 - Completed TIE 48, 49
13.01.02 - Completed TIE 45, XWAF23
12.01.02 - Completed TIE 44
11.01.02 - Completed TIE 41, RRO activity
10.01.02 - Passed XAM IWATS Course, 97%
10.01.02 - Completed XWAF 31, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, FCHG-XWA3
09.01.02 - Completed XWA 23, 24, 25, 26, 27
08.01.02 - Completed FCHG-XWA2, XWA 20, 22
06.01.02 - Updated Flight III homepage
05.01.02 - RRO duties

Additional Notes: After been busy with Xmas holidays VIn returned to his High standard activity. He flew many missions and entered in the Immortal Honor Guard. He stays in contact frequently via email and he's very active on the Message Boards. As usual he shows a great dedication to the squadron with his RRO job.

Recommended by: VA Toran Dan


Bronze Star of the Empire

LCM VinDoros has been the most outstanding pilot of the ISD Immortal for November. He was superb active and tried to improve his squadron and ship.
LCM VinDoros has done very much in the past, without getting any credits and has still the motivation to do his best.

A Bronze Star of the Empire is the right way to pay that back, what LCM VinDoros put in his EH career and squadron on time and dedication. (405 FCHG points,13 done IWATS courses etc.)

So LC Darksaber and me decided to recommend the BS of the Empire to one of the most active pilots of the ISD Immortal.

FL/LCM VinDoros – High Activity
Ranger 3-1
PIN #6338
Last promotion: 26.07.2001
Merit Points = 105

23.11.01 RRO duties
22.11.01 Completed FXWA1,4,7,8,11,13,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,24,25,26
21.11.01 Completed FXWA35,36,37,38,39,27,29,30,32,34,37
21.11.01 Submitted image for Wing GFX Comp
20.11.01 Received 2 LoA (NL submissions)
17.11.01 Completed TIE 38,40. Flew FXWA28 for Imm Vs Col beating the HS
17.11.01 Submitted tips for FXWA28
15.11.01 Completed XWA 21, RRO duties
13.11.01 Completed IW-XWA 27
11.11.01 Completed IW-XWA 23, RRO duties: offered help to 6 CTs
08.11.01 Completed TIE 11
07.11.01 Completed TIE 6
03.11.01 Received a ISM for October's MSE
03.11.01 Submitted an image for Trick or Treat Prank RO competition
02.11.01 Received MoI
02.11.01 Updated FG#3 homepage
01.11.01 Submitted 3 images for Halloween RO Comp, and the Imperial Survey Corps
01.11.01 Offered help to 6 CTs

Additional Notes: Vin Doros is an excellent Officer, he's doing a great job! He shows a great dedication and loyalty to his Squadron and he's always ready to help his CMDR. He participated in all the ship competitions and he also in some " comps. Moreover he flies a lot and he always tries to boost the squadron's morale
Recommendation: Considering that he's not eligible for a rank promotion and this is the 3rd MSE in a row where he's marked as very active.

Recommended by: VA Toran Dan


Letter of Achievement

#80 - LoA 1 of 1

Recommended by: AD Alex Foley


Letter of Achievement

#80 - LoA 1 of 1

Recommended by: AD Alex Foley


Imperial Security Medal

MSE 23.10.01 Submitted image for ECR4, offered help to 6 CTs
23.10.01 Completed XWA-FCHG1, XWA19
19.10.01 RRO duties, completed XWA18
13.10.01 Completed XWA 16, 17
12.10.01 Received a ISM for September's MSE
11.10.01 RRO duties, offered help to 6 CTs
11.10.01 Completed XWA 14, 15
05.10.01 RRO duties, offered help to 6 CTs and submitted a report
03.10.01 Beta-tested Ranger's free mission

Recommended by: AD Darksaber


Medal of Instruction

Assisting Training of #8012 - SL Conan Page

Recommended by: HA Mordechi Wolfe


Imperial Security Medal


29.09.01 Completed FXWA33 for Ranger Ace
27.09.01 RRO duty, sent help offers to 6 CTs
27.09.01 Submitted a plotline for ECR IV free mission
25.09.01 Created a new website for FG#3
22.09.01 Didn't submit a fiction for ECR IV
21.09.01 Completed FXWA14
15.09.01 Helped 6 CTs and submitted the RRO report
15.09.01 Reflew FXWA14 for COM's Own
09.09.01 Posted for the run on story
08.09.01 Passed IWATS XTT Course, score: 87%
08.09.01 Created his TC uniform
07.09.01 Completed XWA12, XWA13
06.09.01 Flew FXWA14 for COM's Own #2
06.09.01 RRO duties, sent help offers to 6 CTs
02.09.01 Passed IWATS AIM Course with 91%

Recommended by: AD Darksaber


Commendation of Bravery

Completion of at least 30 EH approved missions ( 259 actually :P ) - good work ;)

Recommended by: COL Dras Hempor


Palpatine Crescent

23.04.01 Created his own uniform
23.04.01 Completed TIE 4
22.04.01 Completed TIE 2
30.04.01 Completed FXWA 9
28.04.01 Completed TIE 24
27.04.01 Completed TIE 21, 22
26.04.01 Completed TIE7

21.04.01 Completed TIE 1,20
21.04.01 Transfered from Hey to Ranger Squadron

Recommended by: COL A. C. Badlands


Legion of Combat (x77)

Completing the record (restored from 2005 database; quantity-only record).

Recommended by: SYSTEM


Commendation of Loyalty

Completing the record (restored from 2005 database; quantity-only record).

Recommended by: SYSTEM

Imperial Navy Personnel Record

This member has not completed an INPR.

Activity History

Activity Participation
Timed tests completed: 0
Patch reviews: 0
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Generated
Timed tests created: 0
Officer reports: 48
News posts: 20
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Tracking Record
Date Activity
2025-02-11 Flight Certification Wings awarded: 16th Echelon
2025-02-11 New Combat Rating (MP PvP) rank achieved: Veteran 4th
2025-02-11 New Combat Rating (MP PvP) rank achieved: Officer 2nd
2025-02-11 New Combat Rating (MP PvP) rank achieved: Officer 3rd
2025-02-11 New Combat Rating (MP PvP) rank achieved: Officer 4th
2025-02-11 Flight Certification Wings awarded: 15th Echelon
2025-02-11 New Combat Rating (MP PvP) rank achieved: Marksman 1st
2025-02-11 New Combat Rating (MP PvP) rank achieved: Marksman 2nd
2025-02-11 New Combat Rating (MP PvP) rank achieved: Marksman 3rd
2025-02-11 New Combat Rating (MP PvP) rank achieved: Marksman 4th
2025-02-11 New Combat Rating (MP PvP) rank achieved: Certified
2021-01-31 Flight Certification Wings awarded : 14th Echelon

Showing all 12 records


Fiction Submissions (0)
No fiction submitted.
Graphics Submissions (0)
No graphics submitted.

Awards Received in Service to the Empire

Highest Award:

Gold Star of the Empire

The Gold Star of the Empire can be awarded by any member of Emperor's Hammer Command Staff or TIE Corps Admiralty Board for extraordinary service and exceptional loyalty. Excelling command officers will most often be the recipients of this medal, but not necessarily. Greater than the Silver Star, it cannot be awarded for general activity.

Campaign Medals


TC Competitions

Competition Statistics
Competitions approved: 13
Competitions pending: 0
Competition Awards (0)
Competition Award End Date
There is no competition award history for this member.
This section only list awards tagged to a specific competition when the award was issued. Review the historical record to view any other non-tagged awards.

Academics - Training Completed

Qualifications Awarded
Qualification Date
No qualifications completed
Courses Completed
Course Score Date
Apprentice Demolitions Technician Pass 2003-02-08
Apprentice Sniper Course Pass 2003-01-22
Aquatic Assault Stormtrooper Course Pass 2002-12-13
Cold Assault Stormtrooper Course Pass 2003-04-27
Computer Basics 80% Unknown
Desert Assault Trooper Course Pass 2002-12-13
Field Tactics Course Pass 2003-03-25
Flash 92% Unknown
Graphics 78% Unknown
HTML: Imperial Internet Communications 1 90% Unknown
ICQ 83% Unknown
Imperial Officer Training Course Pass 2003-05-06
mIRC 1 90% Unknown
mIRC 2 90% Unknown
Observer Pass 2003-05-10
Rebellion Tactics 98% Unknown
Sniper Pass 2003-05-28
Squadron Management 2 100% Unknown
Squadron Management 3 90% Unknown
Stormtrooper Certification Pass 2002-12-10
TIE Corps Core 91% Unknown
TIE Fighter Mission Creation 1 98% Unknown
TIE Fighter Tactics 85% Unknown
Vehicle Course - Stage 1 Pass 2003-01-25
X-Wing Alliance Mission Design 97% Unknown
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Mission Design 1 89% Unknown
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Mission Design 2 78% Unknown
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Tactics 87% Unknown

Games Owned

Emperor's Hammer Official Games
Game Player Name
Other Games
Game Player Name